Continuing the discussion from Quick Questions XV: Episode Prompto - #2045 by wonder_momo.
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Continuing the discussion from Quick Questions XV: Episode Prompto - #2045 by wonder_momo.
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Schrödinger’s catnip
seems completely accurate to me
なんだ!? あの機体は…俺のと同じ機体? 仲間なのか?
typed out the text for you if you want to look any of it up
but thanks for helping
Completely accurate.
XVI: Questions With Clive
Was there anything good about Deadly Premonition 2?
what are we gonna do next time this thread cycles, are we gonna have to start referencing FIFA games or smth
Some decent callbacks to 1 from what I remember but it doesn’t stand out in my memory.
Quick Questions Zero
sorry to one-up you here, but if it isn’t
Quick Questions XVI: Clive’s Barking
then this world is unjust
Where the heck is the 2 hour video essay on the insane visual aesthetics of Ikari Warriors 2?
Was about to begin hacking my dusty 3DS before wondering Where To Start…?
Firmware is sitting pretty at 11.5.0-38E (which is said to be malleable) however some of the resources I’ve come across tend to be tethered to needing something like Flipnote Studio 3D which is no longer obtainable(?)
far as i know this is still the definitive resource:
tread very carefully with anything else. likely to be outdated or obsolete in some way
that’s the guide i used a while back. looks like it accounts for the recent firmware updates nintendo pushed.
Indie games have changed right? Like… They’re significantly different than they were five ten years ago?