lost my stylus on a bus doing this
i don’t know why i continue to watch this show where these dirtbag doofus texas dudes try and go buy old games from the flea market but i do. half of it is just them chastising each other for farting or other stuff like this clip here
Ah the source of shrug’s quote of “sentient bongwater.”
I often videogame things I think about this post. Sorry if replying this late puts too much attention on you, but I love the sentiment you expressed here.
how Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (2015) was originally going to have a crafting system (as seen in many prerelease screenshots), but it was entirely absent in the finished product. when asked about this, the devs were like “oh yeah we just realized it wasn’t any fun at all.”
This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 2000 replies. Continue discussion at videogame things you think about a lot (Part 2).
thought about this today as well, picturing someone becoming more and more hunched over and wicked as their maryland score goes up