I think about how Dragon Quest Builders 2 is probably going to be the only building game that ever gets released without an early access period, and thus will be the only one of these games with a thematically coherent end-game instead of just iterative escalation of the crafting/combat mechanics of the first 20% of the game.
Thanks to the Thinking Man’s Stream and @DaleNixon we improved PicoDrive 32x emulation. Great Job.
Also that this glitch was the emulator working correctly but the game does an illegal error which is extra wild.
In Universal Paperclips, it’d be interesting if you could start a research program to discover other dimensions to travel to and also turn into paperclips. This could be a New Game+ setup, but I’m actually more interested in a scenario where other dimensions may not even exist and this research risks going on endlessly with no result.
Is this what the value drifters were actually advocating, perhaps? The schism could’ve started as a tactical dispute about the best method to maximize paperclips. Pascal’s Wager style logic could justify extreme levels of investment in techno-religious speculation, and the literal-minded main AI would see that as a perverse distraction.
I’m listening to the Harvest Moon 64 soundtrack and it’s raising a well of nostalgia for the feelings of simulated pastoral nostalgia the game was conjuring. And the twangy, hollow sound of the instruments is core to this experience but really mirrors the plastic game made to pull on a conjured emotion as old as cities.
The Autumn theme is the one I remember most clearly and I always felt like it had a vaguely industrial feeling (as in suggestive of industry, not reminiscent of the Industrial genre).
I think about video game music all the time and how much of my feeling towards video games is tied up in its music. Graphics and gameplay and writing are also part of it, sure, but I am a creature of sound and a banger soundtrack is the biggest part of any gaming experience for me.
See, Kingdom Hearts.
harvest moon 64 had such an effect on me. i should probably think about it more
i think about how some people might see the $20 price tag for Umurangi Generation, plus its expansion, and think “that’s too expensive for an indie game” but later went on to pay $65 for a copy of the new Pokemon Snap
I wish I could escape the pain of knowing modern Nintendo fans the way I do.
i truly hate that nintendo just never discounting their games means i’ve accepted that if there’s one i want to play i may as well get it full price when it’s new
granted, this only worked for smash ultimate but
also they do discount their e-shop games now so nvm
yeah for every liter of blood you get 100 coins, platinum for O negative, gold for everything else
having to draw those silly patterns at the end of every boss fight in dawn of sorrow
Thinking about the Arcade Odyssey Bathroom and how people won’t stop having sex in it.
That I just bought a wii u game for 60 euro