The News Grandmaster 4000


Iā€™ve only played one installment (4 I think, the one with the kindly loan shark as the main character?) How badly do I need to know the story to just jump into the latest installment?

You donā€™t. I mean, if you want to, Sega has put up comic book versions of all the previous stories, and the game itself has a whole menu (Memories, I think) on the title screen that will dump the story from the games as text basically. Also, this one picks up right at the end of 5, but that means it basically starts with 20 minutes of stuff directly from 5, so you can just get dropped right in. Akayama, the loan shark, is still around.

Just grab the demo from PSN, honestly. Itā€™s like the first hour of the game and you can see how you feel about it.


I hope that game isnā€™t terrible like Okami.

Also in Yakuza 6 multiplayer Puyo Puyo and Final Showdown are available from the main menu from startup.


Yakuza 0 is the best starting point and probably the best game.

Though I only did the cam girl minigame in 6 once and itā€™s already the best minigame of all times.

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Oh itā€™s a mobile game, gross

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12 posts were split to a new topic: mobile games post-2016: are they good do they do good things letā€™s find out

Sega appears to be asking in a survey if westerners would like the Fist of the North Star game.

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I chose Live Chat over Virtua Fighter 5 as my favorite minigame in that survey.

Iā€™m not ashamed.


iā€™m really curious what the expiring russian pop and hip-hop is going to be replaced with. if itā€™s other russian pop and hip-hop, is it going to be from '07-'09? how much does rockstar care about the small time capsule theyā€™ve created

abolish copyright law you cowards!!!


Every time a command is ended with you cowards I scream with delight.


I have a new found lease on life.


PUBG and Fortnite are Ok. But if the next Call of Duty and/or Battlefield games have battle royal modes, it could.make a pretty big dent. And they would likely be better games. I would get down on that, anyway.

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Neiter of those engines can handle hhhhuuuuggggeee maps though. CoD especially freaking still Quake 3 deep down.

Wake me up when the next Dark Souls has a battle royale mode


Simultaneously conk me over the head.


I donā€™t know if this is a for or against Dark Souls battle royale, but I do know that normies will have fun w/ clubs and shit to do just this, so iā€™m fucking into it.