Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

save states have always behaved peculiarly with memory card saves in PS1 emulators I believe, I’m not sure what the “correct” behaviour is there

oh did I miss being on the cutting edge of monster hunter discussion

the monster hunter demos don’t actually exist for newcomers to drift into, they exist so that veterans can assess differences and improvements in the iterative process. being thrown in without anything explained Doesn’t Work for this sort of action-rpg, especially emphasized by how there’s at least one included fight nobody coming in could handle from scratch without a dozen hours of general series experience. capcom doesn’t really do good demos, so.

monster hunter games proper have very carefully slow starts to introduce the cruft of endless opaque microsystems plus get one used to monster-waltzing, and about half of the weapons have horrendous subsystems for differentiation from base weapons. there’s not much tutorializing for weapons movesets in demos or elsewhere, really (at least, for the past decade of games, if not the upcoming one)- this has always been a series that kind of embraces external research and resources, for worse or for worse (research one’s prey, I guess)

generally speaking, great sword and hammer are very good for getting down to grips due to their simplicity of basic damage output (though there sure is a serious curve), but I’ve gotten the sense from others that the thrashing of long swords and switch axes are easier for making more immediate progress rather than learning everything constantly from scratch

also as people have noted monster hunter is not a friendlier souls in anything but setting and tone. there’s more give and more loose structuring, but fights are substantially longer and readily just as nastily aggressive- it’s just a shift from one-off i-frame-abusing virtuoso performances to a consistent waltz of positioning and timing over long fights and farming, or so I’ve gotten the impression of. I’ve always been kinda curious to hear from someone who has played 4/U and them souls about the comparative play differences between souls/borne dlc / final boss dualist berserkers versus 4/U Teostra / G-Rank Stygnian Zinogre / Apex Rajang, honestly.

also I know multiplayer with people one actually knows is really fun in mh but I used to complain a fair bit about how multiplayer isn’t very good for getting to learn monsters on the higher points of the scale and I still will so anybody coming in to the series on MHWorld should do at least some single player first?


My biggest sin from the holiday sales might not be buying 15 copies of Clan of Champions but instead buying Black Desert Online.


Well, I may have hit a stopping point on Mario Odyssey. I was coming up on 100%, but I’m feeling like a scooter race without a scooter or Cappy might be the hard limit of my ability.

that’s one of the best moons, figuring it out is pretty interesting!

I can feel your specter at all times, looming over me, jumping rope. …I’ll give it another shot.


I’m finally getting stuck in to the post-game of Odyssey. Clearing as many moons as I can find in each world before I move on to the next. I did skip ahead to Dark Souls Land and get all those because I figured it would be an easy victory (it was).

Also did the dragon boss fight re-re-re-remixxxx, that was neat. The Mushroom Kingdom is my favorite postgame thing in a long time.

Srsly gaze upon these glorious weirdoes:


Am also entirely convinced “Johnny Five Aces” is a dig at tim


Upon further investment, I’m getting slightly tepid on King of Dragon Pass. I’m at a point where I’m basically treading water, waiting (I think) to get the right mystery so I can form a tribe, which seems like the next step in expansion. But since getting mysteries is random each year, I’m basically just hanging out, keeping my clan at some local maxima of resources and power. Gets a little stale.

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Okay the only moons I’m missing are the 100 volleyball points one and the big finale. Honestly, I’m more worried about the volleyball.

That “no scooter” puzzle seems kind of obvious in retrospect, but I also still feel I lucked out with it. Not one of my favorites, but I can see others having some good a-ha moments with it!

Also I was stuck on the jump rope challenge at 50-60 jumps before I remembered input lag in wireless controllers being a thing. I switched to handheld mode with the joycons docked and immediately got 180+.


yeah big finale isn’t too big a deal once you figure out a couple parts of it. i do wish there was more bigger finale stuff to unlock, that would have kept me playing longer for sure

Have you been exploring and heroquesting?

IIRC if you haven’t yet found the 10 year ring you have to search for it with exploration.

Journey’s End is just a rather long sequence of easy sections with a couple of cheap parts (i.e. that damn bird climbing). It’s a bit disappointing really. I remember 3D world’s Champion’s Road being a lot more difficult and exciting. It feels like they toned it down because they wanted to go for “Tough But Fair”, and wound up achieving neither.

Indeed. I’ve been exploring regularly and have probably 1/3 of the map uncovered. Heroquesting is a bit of a drag, since you have to wait it seems like two or three years before each attempt. I’ve had a shot at one like three times and failed every time (though the first time was because I just sent my guy out there without any idea of what I was doing)

Try boosting your leadership with the forms a tribe heroquest

You might need at least one successful heroquest to trigger the tribe formation storyline. Have you met the horse nomads yet?

Sit down. I have something to tell you.


I’m not only the reigning Select Button Scorched Earth Champion but I’m now the #1 Spelunker Party player on the planet so I’m pretty sure this means I’m officially the King of Game.

Unlike some people I do not cheat at video games. I achieved this all live on my gamer stream.

I love this game even though it’s not the Demon’s Souls of Platformers that Spelunker HD was.

I think you should buy a copy and play with me (on Steam; it’s on Switch too but I’m not buying it for a third time) but don’t go besting my times. If you do I’ll never forgive you.


i too will answer questions and play this game with you all

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i love museums.

i love this

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I can’t do that one. Don’t have the appropriate mystery. I think. It’s actually unclear to me what heroquests you are allowed to do, because on the Lore screen I have details for probably a six or eight stories, but I’m only eligible atm for 2 heroquests.

Dunno if you mean something else by “met,” but they have raided my shit multiple times.

Sacrifice to orlanth more! Seven cows a year! Invest some clan magic in mysteries!

Quite a few of the more important heroquests have secret lore associated