That sounds a little better. “All organizations are evil” is a pretty common pattern in post-apocalyptic fiction, with the implication that only close friendly ties can be trusted. It reinforces the loner myth that post-apocalypse trades in. Fallouts 1 & 2 mostly worked under those rules.
but i want to be a hero! there’s no option for that in 4!
best shirt '17
Missed the light talk, but Peggle 2 flashes the controller light the color of pegs when it hits them which was kind of neat in a dark room
About to take a scuttle hurry in Rain World again, thank you @tibyz
Going in blind as possible aside from your tale and cover art, my first couple hours came off more aimless and tiring than I was in the mood to trudge. Constant “one more death til I peek at a walkthrough” urges but reaching my second area, the basics started clicking into place. Easy to overthink maybe.
Small victories, constant threats…jamming grab/jump repeatedly while headbutting a lizard through narrow space allowed me to survive, knocking him out the other end. And I don’t even think that’s like a designed maneuver just something funny that happened within its physics (and could be repeated with the right setup).
The more genuinely shocking screwups (like my first deadly pole), the better.
Pillars of Etenrity is the most “I’m thinking of going back to school to get my MFA” writing I’ve ever encountered in any medium I want to eat it and shit out so I can flush it down the toilet then I’ll
which is why the second one being so good was so surprising
sounds like it sold way worse than the first one though which is understandable because the first was garbage
at least I got a weird spaceghost pig
Artifact update: The price of Axe has now more than doubled from the daily low. Roughly $13.87 to $28.67.
Let the bubble begin.
This was my solution. It led to the only really good story I got out of playing FO4, wherein I smacked a Brotherhood dude in armor off their home blimp, but because of the armor, he survived the fall. After I had cleared the blimp, I went back to their empty base on the ground, but I could hear someone steadily approaching from a distance. And there he was, with a sliver of health, the last brother, trying to avenge his shitty fascist buddies. I punched him in the face until he was dead.
i’m actually impressed that was possible, i’d assumed that “on the blimp” was a seperate map to the rest of the world, and any character falling off it would be automatically considered dead
I kinda assumed the same thing, and maybe it is and this was just an error or whatever (you never can tell with bethesda), but I like my version.
been playing a little fifa on the switch and like
if there was a mario strikers-esque game that had online and was balanced I would only play that game
I always preferred Sega Soccer Slam, but yeah.
I was going to say there a new Sega Soccer Slam until I realized it would actually end up being Team Sonic Soccer.
I got a PS VR today
Setup was kind of frustrating! The camera’s cord is way too short and the connector is proprietary so it can’t be extended without buying a $30 cable. I had to move my PS4 to the middle of the floor for the cable to reach
The camera’s stand is flimsy and doesn’t grip the surface it sits on and the cable is very stiff so it’s frustrating to position!
The headset is not intuitive to put on and there are so many legal warnings during the setup I thought it was just not going to tell me what I was supposed to do. It’s finicky to get dialed in too, the ridgid mount means that pretty much all the adjustments require scooting it tiny amounts on your head. This means that every time you take it off you have to carefully readjust it
But once I finally got it set up, well, I got annoyed at The Playroom for having awful controls - does anyone find swiping on the touchpad remotely enjoyable?
But okay AstroBot finally finished installing and that’s… Mostly fun. Very charming for sure, but I hate how it’s not possible to move back into the level. You have to crane yourself around to pretty uncomfortable positions to see behind you. The levels are pretty short, maybe I’m supposed to just replay them to get things that I passed up, but I feel like that discourages exploration. I’ll keep at it though, it is very cute and surprisingly pretty. There was an underground level with glowing mushrooms that had some lovely lighting.
Right now I’m watching my wife play the other pack in game, Moss. It’s a cute super linear 2d-ish platformer that ends up being a very poor use of VR. It feels like a 2d movie that gets 3d added in post production. The use of depth is mostly limited to annoying jumps into the camera, and then you have my favorite, pointless motion controls. Aside from being cute, it’s a bad choice for a pack-in game. Something that emphasized the sense of volume you can only get in VR or was a more immersive game would have been much better. Maybe you definitely need PS Move controllers for those and they wanted a sit down, controller-based experience to keep the cost down?
Still, the PSVR has a lot of potential. Even on my non-pro PS4 both games were very smooth and looked good. It probably has the best price/performance ratio of any VR system right now and I imagine there are way more PS4s out there than PCs powerful enough to do VR. That makes me optimistic that some cool stuff will come out (or has come out!) for it. I don’t think that it’s out of the question that the inevitable PS5 will also support it which opens up more possibilities too
I feel like a kid on the playground explaining, in excruciating boring detail, why the Jaguar is going to be the best system ever
I didn’t realize that PSVR needs a separate tracking camera, Windows Mixed Reality is able to do it all by just resolving relative movement with the front cameras and gyroscopes
seems to work fine too as it’s fully compatible with Vive stuff
the camera is a pain, it’s supposed to be like 4 feet away and as @km mentioned the cable is def. too short
I was using a food thermos to raise it and the fiddly included-stand up to the proper height off the coffee table in front of the couch, but have more recently velcro-taped it to an unused lcd monitor stand/bracket; it all has to get hidden away and taken back out every time
I tried setting it up in the bedroom and playing sitting up against the headboard but that is too far away for it to work properly?
I’ve thought about this too and… something something Super Mario Bros. 1. ultimately the levels aren’t really designed for you to have to move backwards, so if you really miss something, yeah, you just gotta do it again. it’s not really about exploration in that way though. the exploration that happens is with your immediate vision, not your robot buddy. it’s hard to explain, but it’s what I like most about it (and only possible in VR). so like each level has a hidden translucent lizard which, if you catch it in your gaze and keep looking at it, will explode colorfully, unlocking a challenge level. it’s like Mario Land 3D meets Pokemon Snap.
I didn’t have any of those issues with the cord, which is plenty long… I think I have the V1 version, and they changed the cord for the V2? supposedly it was supposed to make it less of a hassle but some people seem to think they made it worse, so I dunno.
if you like ping pong I recommend Racket Fury for a sweet ping pong experience.