Oh yeah I made a longer post about my PS VR in the games you played today thread
I forgot about the other reason I wanted a ps vr: Ace Combat 7 has some VR missions exclusive to the PS4 version and well that game is a fuckin console seller to me. I randomly discovered one of the AC games for the PS2 and after playing it for a few hours I immediately bought the rest. AC6 was the reason I got a 360. They’re the only games I seem to naturally beat without having to push myself to do so. When I was a little kid I wanted to be a fighter pilot. I watched Iron Eagle over and over. My best toys were a set of high quality wooden fighter jets. I think the olive green that the A-10 one was is still my favorite color. I had binders full of an organized catalog of airplanes.
So do I wanna be a fighter jet in VR??