I’ve wondered for years why video games have been so slow to do much with virtual reality. I had a chance to play Dactyl Nightmare and another VR game back in the 1990s, and I could see a lot of good potential there. Did the weak sales of Virtual Boy scare everyone off?
I knew that I’d probably want to get a PS4 sometime soon after the release of Dark Souls 3 (or at least in time for The Last Guardian), but now I’m very interested in this Rez Infinite I heard about the other day. Rez seems to be a perfect candidate for VR, and I hope to see some other interesting VR titles as well. I just hope the peripheral isn’t prohibitively expensive.
I read nothing but positive impressions from the lucky few who got to do Rez in the suit at PSX. VR in general I’m still a bit iffy on since there’s still some issues that need to be worked out in terms of both perception and control, but Rez is the most perfect fit in the world for VR from just a conceptual standpoint that I can’t hate it. It’s going to have a non-VR mode anyway so fuck yeah Rez in more HD regardless.
i like when developers make the same game over and over until its perfecct, like they had ideas that were too ambitious but here we are in the future and now those ideas can come true
i imagine rez was originally concepted as a vr thing, just from how it feels
I’m hearing reports that Ace Combat 7 is not only “exclusive to Playstation 4” but is also exclusive to Playstation VR, which is making me pipeface pretty hard, tbqh.
EDIT: maybe I should try hitting the right reply button, new forum, i’m old, grumblegrumble
otoh, this would make cockpit-cam probably a bit more immersive.
i’ve been playing this way in Zero/5/6 and it never felt as natural as e.g. in a racing game. idk why, but somehow it always remained an illusion rather than immersing myself, something I can do in racing games/sims.
Of course, being forced to buy VR for one/two (in my case) games isn’t nice, but if that’d help making AC7 a better experience, I’d at least welcome it with a
Right now PS4 VR is probably the only financially feasible option I’m going to have but there’s going to have to be some real compelling shit available for it.
To be perfectly honest, if Sony announced Jumping Flash as a PSVR launch title or pack-in, I would put up whatever ridiculous amount of money they want to charge for the thing
The fact that someone from the press has already suggested the game to Shuhei Yoshida, head of Sony studios worldwide, makes me happy.
Jumping Flash 2 was the game that convinced me that games with 3D graphics could actually be worth playing despite how ugly so many of them looked. It would be another perfect candidate for VR.
Also, LSD: The Dream Emulator. Experimental things such as Bernband would be fun, too.
I’m excited for VR but mostly because I want it to become some sort of new arena for demosceners doing crazy immersive audiovisual things
as far as me wanting to interact with things in VR, rez infinite might be the only thing I can really muster any excitement for after trying out a cheaper headset (google cardboard-esque) and using the controller to turn my head accidentally and getting a migraine that lasted for the rest of the day
Even Kentucky Route Zero in VR would be interesting as a kind of tilt shift over-looking sort of thing. Not sure if I have the stomach for many first person experiences in VR, texting on the bus makes me queasy…