Games You Played Today Classic Mini

I couldn’t even tell you anything what the other hub ladies say in the other games

raid mode in re: revelations is crack.

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You found me.

oh, I just remembered, the game has a 3 count after unpausing before continuing the game, making it the best music game on the Vita by default

(please don’t hurt me good music game likers, I know the actual answer is like, DJMax Technicka Tune or Superbeat Xonic)

Tried out the co-op BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! demo and bought it, only to realize we can’t play the actual release until next week. I underestimated you Nintendo.

Also finished Celeste. I don’t think I love Celeste, but that’s OK. I also probably wouldn’t love climbing a mountain. I might still check out the new level, since it’s there.

I actually think IA/VT is up there but nobody considers it highly because only two of us have played the damn thing

Hell, I was crazy enough to preorder it

it’s weird because I can see that it very clearly plays like Diva except it’s 8-button sometimes but that perfect mesh of presentation, mechanics and challenge is just :chefkiss:

(the 8-button thing doesn’t bother me because I am a dumb idiot and play Future Tone on the PS4 on a fight stick as an 8-button game, more or less)

like, even after 5 minutes, I can see why Takaki was gutted about how it didn’t sell and he couldn’t bring it over to the west

Supraland is still rewarding my curiosity at basically every turn. Wouldn’t mind a map screen at this point, but this is really fucking good Metroidvaniac times my people

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As a DJMax superfan, technika suxxx and I hate it.

Touchscreens are the worst thing to have happened to rhythm games

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it really is eh

though I’m stuck for the first time about an hour in because I cannot find the gun even after having found a bunch of fun side junk

it is has the dense toybox world design of Mario 64, the slightly broken feeling first person controls (and underlying assumption of how to make an expansive videogame) of UU, the aesthetic of stock engine assets, and the puzzle design of BotW combined with the massive inventories of earlier Zelda

pretty great

it’s like 2019 Euro Cave Story

I’m convinced that i want to try Supraland, but I am indecisive about where to get it.

  • Steam has the highest price but is convenient.
  • has a lower price and is a platform worth supporting, and is probably the right answer.
  • Green Man Gaming (whatever that is) makes the Steam price cheaper than the price, but requires signing up for yet another thing on the Internet.

Also, one more thing about SNK 40th Anniversary Collection: the “museum” part has all kinds of scanned documents, including Crystalis concept art. There is also a lot of historical information about SNK. This has to be the best collection of this type out there.


GMG is a steam key reseller but they’re like the only actual legit one

if you’re trying to pay the lowest price short of stealing the game and you don’t want the option to refund, they’re good for that

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my favorite thing about Project Diva F is that the devs clearly realized the Vita’s touchscreen is a piece of shit, but not until after they put in swipe notes, so there’s absolutely no timing requirement on them and you can swipe or flick the DS3’s analog sticks like a feral animal and not get below a Fine

the thing I hate most about F 2nd is that these same notes can now be bungled but also they aren’t packed together tightly for the most part

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they also have an actually decent loyalty program but don’t communicate how they arrive at the numbers for it, but I got DMC5 for like 30% off on day one and this for some comical 45% off

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codename 47 is jankiest jank that ever janked, but the soundtrack keeps me going.

I love GMG. Its like having access to steam’s seasonal sale------all the time. With an emphasis on recent games.

Its too bad Sony killed 3rd party selling of PSN codes, because GMG had been bringing similar deals for Sony gamers, for a bit.

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yeah, like

it’s obviously not as capital-G good as itch, and if you use steam refunds as much as I do when you’re not sure about something it doesn’t totally obviate buying directly from steam, but since they mostly have big publisher titles (this being an exception) for which I don’t really care about how significant of a cut the platform takes from the developer, they actually make really solid use of their niche,

especially when you consider that steam is much better as a platform than as a store and every other key reseller is super grubby

i logged into itchio for the first time in a while and remembered i need to play Space Bubble Cat.

Been playing Islanders a bit. It’s pretty relaxing way to spend an hour or two!