Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Im not doing the final battle until i have all the shrines beaten. I want to steamroll Ganon in classic style

Is this a general Zelda thread now? I thought there already was one but I couldn’t find it.

Anyway, new Mark Brown Zelda dungeon video:

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Skyward Sword is probably the Zeld I know the least about–I know it has a bad reputation, but from this video it seems like the dungeons are actually kind of cool? Then at the end he says he still doesn’t like the game, so, what gives? Is it just too overloaded with cutscenes and text boxes and such?

I don’t know, I never played it either! I think it was just peak Zelda.

The controls are terrible for one thing, and the design is excessively linear, and everything about it just feels like a budget, shovelware Zelda clone to me (in regards to design, not production values). I hated it so much.

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All that, and the 1:1 motion control sword combat everyone thought they wanted for years turned out to be just a bunch of slow-paced “slash this way, but not this way” puzzle duels

Apparently they learned nothing whatsoever from how much everyone hated Navi because your partner character is somehow worse and more boring

And it looks butt-ugly. Like they literally just smashed up Wind Waker and Twilight Princess art styles.

It had a smattering of interesting ideas but BotW did them much better (it’s amazing how well the stamina circle works compared to what a drag it was in Skyward)

dungeons are the only interesting thing about skyward.

hub town is the worst hub. boring area, terrible tedium in traversing, the lecture you get when you fall off. the game hates you

i don’t agree that it is butt-ugly, though, it has a really cool watercolor vibe in a lot of areas. twilight princess is butt-ugly - feels like there was no unifying vision for the aesthetic other than “grittier than wind waker”. not the case in SS

the controls are ass.

getting inside the dungeons is the worst part of the game, you have to go for some dumb ass easter egg hunt to find all these pieces of a key that opens the door, it’s the worst

Yeah, I didn’t finish the game because of all the bullshit you have to do in the overworld to even get to the dungeons. Once I saw it was a pattern I peaced tf out.

Isn’t its whole thing that the overworld is just another dungeon?

Skyward Sword is pretty and a low-power/poly achievement I think.

Had more fun with it than any of the other pre-BOTW 3D Zeldas, the kinda dungeon/overworld blend areas more satisfying than what came before and perhaps even a neatly bowtie’d elbow in the ribs raise eyebrows raise eyebrows precedent to them actually getting it actually right in BOTW’s entire game is overworld is dungeon epiphany.

Yeah that’s the problem because they are markedly worse dungeons and they have bullshit side-quests to boot.

I even liked swinging the doodad.

I remember the game waits until the fifth or so dungeon before your companion decides to inform you that the puzzle key things you find in every dungeon look like a KEY and maybe you can use it to unlock a DOOR

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Three or four dungeons are quite good: the opening spooky tree, the second fire cave; the buddhist allegory dungeon is incredible and one of their best pieces. Sailing the time ocean is neat but the other time mechanics are pretty poor and don’t have interesting second-order effects like Braid. Way, way too much padding.

The forest zone felt like a managed english garden; exploring it while submerged in the clearest bluest water was wonderful.

The game won’t shut up, the sword controls alternate between fun roleplaying and annoying tedium, the world is cramped for the scope it desires.

The ‘impressionist’ effect is frequently lovely, if you:

  • enjoy sitting too close to CRT’s
  • blowing out graphical shaders
  • insist on running Quake in software mode

here’s a low bar: on release, best Zelda since Wind Waker


The visual style was such that I thought all the black and white specks flickering around the screen were just part of the design or an artefact of shaders being used, until I found out it was just that my Wii’s video card was on the Fritz

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Oh, i guess i mostly meant the NPC and enemy design, which i just thought looked really weird and off-putting. I didn’t really remember how the rest of the game looked tbh.
Really all i remember is vague disgruntlement at everything. I went into it wanting it to be really great and it was a tedious letdown.

my sense has always been that skyward sword would be way better if it were structured like mario 64/ sunshine ie 4 areas w multiple star challenges and not sutured linearly and ungainly over a zelda game

i even liked the tadtones bit tbh, i just didn’t like any of the skeleton

To this day I don’t understand why they haven’t taken Mario 64, added a bunch of Zelda items and a bunch of real bosses/challenging enemies.


Dang i’d play the hell out of that. I guess the Divine Beasts kind of do that? On a very small scale. It would be great if Ninty built on that model for dungeons in the next game, whenever the hell that will be.