Been thinking about this for way too long. In the end my list mostly ended up looking like everyone else’s list lol
Densha De Go! Ryojouhen
Final Fantasy XII
Gradius 5
Deep Water
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Winback 2: Project Poseidon
Raw Danger
And my list of top ten ps2 games I’ve never played
Poison Pink
Way of the Samurai
Lunatic Dawn Tempest
Sakurazaka Shouboutai
Tear Ring Saga: Berwick Saga
Digital Devil Saga
Shadow of Rome
Some Langrisser or Growlanser something
Tokyo Xtreme Racer: Drift 2
Sega Rally 2006
Sega Sports Tennis [Virtua Tennis 2]
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Sky Odyssey
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
Dynasty Warriors 3
Silent Hill 2
Okay posting my list today as well finally. And continue working in a third secret list. Might follow Meauxdal and post a second. Can put myself where I was in my life when I played each of these.
Ghost in The Shell Standalone Complex
Persona 4
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Tales of Rebirth
Silent Hill 4
Silent Hill 2
Mark Ecko’s Getting Up Contents Under Pressure
Yoshinoya The Game
Guitar Hero
Romancing SaGa: The Minstrel’s Song
Nope switched out Gradius V at the last second because I could not in fact remember where in my life I played it.
I played Mark Ecko’s after buying it for 10 dollars American at the BX on Yokota Air Force Base, losing my job in chiba moving into a rotten guest house, refusing to sell anything because I was me. At the request of a SB1 forum member, I would use the pen to make grafitti in the Tokyu 4th Floor Bathroom of Gotanda Station. That forum member would go on to make several commercial video games that I do not like very much.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Spider-Man 2
Jaws: Unleashed
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Jak 2
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory
Spartan: Total Warrior
Some absolute bangers and a few that weren’t afraid to be brutally old-school difficult too like Jak and Maximo. Would love to have Maximo or Spartan available at a modern resolution on a current console. Some of these like Lego Star Wars are still available via backwards compatibility on Xbox but I would kill to have Spider-Man 2 at my fingertips again.
Going to be thinking about a third list now.
Previous list:
Grand Theft Auto 3
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Shadow of the Colossus
Katamari Damacy
God of War
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Ratchet and Clank 2: Going Commando
Silent Hill 2
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
that i still have ready to be played whenever someone forces me at gunpoint to play ChoroQ, Mr Moskeeto or the original SotC.
yes i know that there are two R-TYPE FINALs in there. The japanese one has a different difficulty scaling and the better endgame bgm track, so of COURSE i had to get that don’t @ me i will not listennnnnn
This topic is challenging for me because I had a PS2, Gamecube, and an Xbox all at the same time, and if something was released for the others, I probably got it there. So it has to be just PS2 only, or at least ps2 primarily, games. This is completely arbitrary on my part, but like Marc Ecko’s Getting Up was an Xbox game for me, so it won’t be here. So here is what I got:
DMC3 (both regular and SE)
R-Type Final
Steambot Chronicles
Castle Shikigami 2
Silent Hill 2
Yakuza 1 and 2
Rez w/ Vibrator
Gran Turismo 4
Gradius V
Man, this was hard and there are like a bunch more I know I am forgetting. Also games I played on other systems (Black, for example, is a quintessential Xbox game because of the soundtrack feature, but is still a good game on the PS2). I also left off JRPGs that I loved but never finished (ff12, SMT3). And a bunch of other stuff.
Armored Core Last Raven (hard to pick just one AC game)
King’s Field: The Ancient City
God Hand
Dynasty Warriors 4
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
Castle Shikigami 2
Final Fantasy XII
MGS3: Subsistence
Devil May Cry 3 SE
Wizardry: Tales of the Forsaken Land
There are also many arcade collections and ports I enjoyed on PS2, but these are mostly games original to PS2.
OK, I think I’m finally ready. I would think that some might find some weird picks (GT3 over 4, the first Katamari over WLK, Chaos Legion over any DMC game) but this is personal to me!
Virtua Fighter 4 Evo
Contra Shattered Soldier
Chaos Legion
Adventures of Cookie and Cream
Castle Shikigami 2
Katamari Damacy
Earth Defense Force 2
Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec
The Bouncer - The Best game ever made.
Metal Gear Solid 2 -Just an experience I’ll never forget.
GTA 3 - Played it mostly as a sandbox, still my fav GTA
The Punisher - Cuz… why not.
SSX Tricky - the last snowboarding game with level design not just a mountain.
SoulCal 3 - the best fighting game ever.
Jak and Daxter 2 - Just a great adventure.
DODONPACHI DAI-OU-JOU - supposedly the best SHMUP ever.
God Hand - ya’ll know.
Samurai Western - Crazy funky game that did Samurai Champloo better than the Samurai Champloo game.
The TMNT games didn’t even make the list, who am I?
never got past the tutorial mission. i like how you just sling your guys around the board so you know where they’ll (supposedly) end up but not really how. the japanese text is just way too hard for me, although it’s nice that the narrator speaks in english for some reason.
the plot is just UC gundam but if the earth had let the spacenoids alone, but they still decide to attack anyway because they are afraid of immigrants.
it just felt wrong not mentioning another tactics game and that was the only one that came to mind plus it looks cool (it’s mostly because it looks cool)
Sakurazaka shouboutai: yeah pretty good.
Shadow of rome: absolute worst most depressing kind of ps2 garbage
Way of the samurai: ive played for like 1 hour and already feel pretty confident this should be in my top ten