Your Personal 10 PS2 Games

k ive been holding this back but, the reason steamboat cranberries/bumbytrot is a special mention is ive never played it, just admired it from afar. And it’s obviously my shit i certainly will play it, (eventually) but whats everyones temperature on it in tyool 2024?




Is it more fun to be the bad guy or the good guy?

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its most fun to do multiple playthroughs of different badness levels :twisted:



Seconded, again!
Just go with the flow and enjoy the endearingly honest and pure, almost child-like entertainment!


i also put Tricky on my list over 3

idk, i feel like 3 starts losing some of what made the first two games incredibly great (subsequent games like the Wii-exclusive SSX Blur continue to decline, imo). tricky in particular feels so videogamey. no overarching “mountain” constraint means each course is more distinct and often more bonkers, whereas 3 takes a mildly-less-exciting, slightly more “grounded” approach

i’ll have to give them both a re-play soon, it’s been awhile now.




to be honest i’ve barely played tricky at all, so i’m kinda being a dick on purpose here haha. part of the appeal of 3 to me is the continuous mountain, so i can’t imagine playing a stage-based version and being happier about it.

but it sounds like i should give it a real try!!


going to try to do this off the top of my head as much as possible, but here goes:

(i don’t think this list is going to blow any minds here tbh)

  1. Shin Contra/Shattered Soldier
  2. Neo Contra
  3. Gradius V
  4. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
  5. God Hand
  6. Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne MANIAX
  7. Tekken Tag Tournament
  8. Shadow of the Colossus
  9. Katamari Damacy
  10. Silent Hill 2/3 tied

the list is a combo of stuff that made a big impact on me, but that i would maybe never play again (SotC, for example), as well as games that i specifically hooked up my PS2 again last year to play (Contras).

games that had crossplatform releases (Killer 7) aren’t included on this.

games that had versions released much later that i think are vast improvements over the originals (FFXII, Odin Sphere) are also omitted on this list.

i’m a little surprised none of the Metal Gear titles are on this list, but honestly even though i liked all of them, none of them had the same feel or hit like MGS1 did on the PS1, for me. i think i was more excited for the Ac!d series, weirdly enough.


List #5

NBA Street Vol. 2
NFL Street 2
NHL 2004
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2
Fight Night Round 2
Madden NFL 2005
NBA Live 2005
NCAA Football 06
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 [PES 6]


Additional exclusives list:
Tekken 4
Shadow of the Colossus
Ace Combat 5
Final Fantasy XII
Grand Theft Auto 3
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Drakengard 2
Ratchet and Clank

Half-Life: Decay

Multiplats I spent too much time on:
Unreal Tournament
The Simpsons Road Rage
Mercenaries Playgrounds of Destruction
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
Project Eden
Dr. Muto
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven
Tony Hawk’s Underground
Rayman M
Dead or Alive 2


my top 10 N64 games:

Jet Force Gemini
Iggy’s Reckin Balls
Mischief Makers
F-Zero X
either Zelda you want i dunno
Mario 64
Pilotwings 64
Banjo Kazooie
Mario Tennis

(okay, sorry)

  1. Metal Gear Solid 2
  2. Max Payne
  3. TimeSplitters Future Perfect
  4. Star Wars: Battlefront II
  5. Zone of the Enders
  6. Burnout Takedown
  7. Killer 7
  8. James Bond 007: Nightfire
  9. Freedom Fighters
  10. Red Faction

I regret nothing.


What’s Rayman M?

i’m no help here but would Rayman’s wife be called Rayma’am?


This is a darn cool list.
Curious why ZOE took it over ZOE2 for you?

Also glad to see Red Faction get some love.

a very strange game aka Rayman Arena that is based on the Rayman 2 engine that has like deathmatch multiplayer and a racing game mode


10 Games I Recommended a friend rent from Blockbuster:

Enter The Matrix - This game has like 20 ideas happening including full destructible environments, a dos prompt hacking game, connective tissue to the movies

Tales of Rebirth - This was the PS2 RPG I was recommended to play with my fledgling Japanese so I pass it on. The battle system is almost a complete fighting game. The first 7 or so hours are great. I’ve tricked at least 2 people previously into playing it and they both went “This Owns.”

Yoshinoya - Play a fast-food worker. Feel the stress of minimal wage, all the corporate restaurant PS2 games are worth like 8000 yen now. That’s weird.

Akira Psycho Pinball - I may have played this or may not. But I trust my friend to have a good time with it.

Silent Hill Shatter Memories - I saw this on someone’s list somewhere just today. It’s the one Western Developed Silent Hill Game that is pretty good and takes that Silent Hill doesn’t just have to mean Pyramid Head and trying every door in a hotel. Also a psychiatrist calls you the player a Pervert.

Magna Carta - A Korean RPG that I do not know anything about other than every character has boobs. This is a homework game because I do not got time.

Megaman X Command Mission - Did you know there is a stealth mechanical sequel to Dragon Quarter? And it is buried in a Mega Man side project no one has played?

Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkeban - I have a mean reason for suggesting this one that has nothing to do with Terf Queen.

Xyanide - Full Motion Background shooter that looks incredible. Seems like one of those games we should all mention. Never played it!

MotoGP1-2-3-4-2007-2008 - Did you also know Namco (of Ridge Racer) made SIX motorcycle games for PS2? Who? WHO? Has an opinion on these. It’s Namco. They are probably pretty good! We’re finding out they are semi-rare to see in the wild, despite them being six generic motorcycle games no one cares about.


after making the boring super pinball games on snes, and the excellent, bombastic, and realistic digital pinball games on saturn, they went strange and experimental. power rangers zeo pinball is a kind of crush-like but not as good, while akira psycho ball is full of weird gimmicks like tables splitting in half and re-attaching to halves of different tables, a real time versus mode with many balls in play at once, and so on.


when a friend of mine was a kid he was forced to return this to Blockbuster when his aunt walked in on the scene of Monica Bellucci kissing Jada Pinkett Smith but watching him get to play it a decade later with all of its (clearly rushed for the movies) disparate mechanics (there’s also a driving level of course) barely holding together I’m tempted to say “Enter the Matrix is all connective tissue”, not a bad time watching him try to wrangle it together