God Hand
Wipeout Fusion
Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance
Silent Hill 3
Enthusia Professional Racing
Dropship: United Peace Force
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Fatal Frame
Beatmania iidx Happy Sky
Karaoke Revolution
Was waiting for someone to post this. Wondered if the old love still held. I never got into it personally.
God Hand
Tekken Tag Tournament
Soul Calibur 3
Ape Escape 3
Red Ninja: End of Honour
Ratchet and Clank 2: Locked and Loaded
Wipeout Fusion
Timesplitters 2
Picking only exclusives might be an interesting wrinkle since Killer7 is a Gamecube game.
I haven’t played it but Graffiti Kingdom is cool.
Oh you know what yeah add this to my previous list this game kicks ass
I’ve been trying to not read other lists until I post mine because I’ll be like OH YEAH HOW COULD I FORGET THAT?
I gotta know why.
romance of the three kingdoms XI
shadow of the colossus
devil may cry 3
ace combat zero
armored core 3: silent line
raw danger
katamari damacy
metal gear solid 2
the one thing i know about the sopranos videogame is that tony soprano gets advice from his dad’s ghost like simba
the sopranos game is dizzyjosh’s first designing job! its an SB classic
you actually play as BIG PUSSY’s son and his ghost appears to you in like bodies of water, mirrors, etc. to advise you. it’s not a bad game, it’s a goofy brawler where you beat up jamaican drug dealers with pineapples for giving AJ Soprano a head injury and for whatever reason everyone was forced to provide their voices and you can play cards with christopher and tony and paulie for no reason in the menu whenever you want. fuckin dumb guy yakuza over here. you get to walk around a meticulously recreated bada bing between levels, one of the stages is just a law office where you try to take a piss and get assaulted by packs of lawyers because your dad was named big pussy. when you die james gandolfini tells you you’re a piece of shit and makes you restart the level. you can play through the entire thing in like a few hours. it owns
Grand Theft Auto 3
Final Finasty XII
Winning Eleven 6
Sky Odyssey
Katamari Damacy
Hot Shots Tennis
Shadow of the Colossus
Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance
ok i’m begging everyone to please play dark alliance 2… why is the first one better?
It’s been a long time; I remember that it was just a bit more polished, like there was a lot of late-game stuff in 2 that felt rushed/very thinly fleshed out, whereas the original felt a bit more cohesive.
I played the shit out of both of them and the Champions of Norrath games as well.
I think a key part of the dark alliance experience is having the final dungeon randomly be connected to the hub area you’ve been visiting the entire game and the final level just being a big empty room with a boss in it so maybe that’s why I like 2
My favorite thing about those games, aside from being fun little consolified Diablo clones, was the water effects and the constant use of particle effects for magic items. Looked great!
never really heard much about dark alliance… fuck… another one for the list
want to put tale of the forsaken land on my list but am I a poser if ive only played like two hours
i played it at a friend’s house once and it felt a lot like the x-men game that was also out around that time.
Please be aware that these games are for couch coop only. Solo at your own risk
SMT Nocturne
Persona 3
Persona 4
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army
Tales of the Abyss
Katamari Damacy
We <3 Katamari
Shadow of the Colossus
God Hand
I got my PS2 in 2008 and it was mostly an Atlus RPG machine