
The fact that Naziworld still exists in 1980 is depressing cause it means BJ never beats the Nazis ;_;


The monster never dies no matter how many times you kill it, just sheds its skin and changes form

It would have been fun if they’d flipped it and set the game in a socialist utopia brought on by Terrorbilly’s revolution, and had you play as his daughters infiltrating and taking out reactionary nazi insurrectionist organizations.

Hmm… This trailer does not rule out the possibility that they actually did take America back, and the daughters are going to other countries to liberate them. The game seems to be set in Paris.

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I think the Wyatt timeline tees this up to be gaiden, or at least compatible with a triumphant Wolf III.

i want a wolf where bj takes a trip to the uk and you kill tories


I mean doesn’t everyone want a version of Wolf where BJ comes and kills their local reactionaries

This is it: the true endgame of artistic globalization


I don’t think they mentioned it at the conference but Youngblood is coop.

oh. my. god.

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Even though they shrank it a lot, boy is this game huge for the Switch. I didn’t get around to getting an SD card for mine so I needed to delete almost everything else. Probably not a coincidence that Eurogamer posted this SEO bait this week:

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July 26th.


God it rules hearing Carpenter Brut get play in a mainstream trailer.

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Well, I’ve got a good idea where B.J. went.

He’s killing baby Hitler in every possible dimension fuck you Ken Levine

Conspicuous color choices on Abby here?


Hell yes I am ready to commit Crimes Against The Reich this summer

soph is the name of my cat but jess is the name of my ex who my wife doesn’t like so I’m going to be very careful in figuring out how to co-op this


Seeing the main characters riding around in FBI helicopters has me very curious and a little worried about how they’re going to depict the state of the post-nazi US in this game. In New Colossus you were fighting alongside marxists and black panthers to foment revolution. I hope this game doesn’t end up portraying a US that has settled right back into liberal capitalism.


I mean, it’s easier to destroy than create; they’re arguably taking a risk by trying to portray the aftermath of their triumphant power fantasy at all. I don’t know that I trust them to be consistently politically unimpeachable, especially given the economics of making a gaiden like this, but they’ve consistently had good judgment up to now