
I just got to New Orleans and we just got through four cutscenes about Billy and there seems to be a 100/100% chance I will be meeting Grown-Up Billy v. soon.

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Someone isn’t playing with subtitles!


baby commander keen dad


This game makes me sad and after 10 hours have only barely gotten used to the shooting that I dont really like.

Once I am done will sell for 45usd shipped anywhere in the world.

At One Point BJ goes “ugg another sewer” and it’s like fuck you game.

My favorite was when BJ refueled a helicopter and started talking to it about how it was “fat and sassy”.


the helicopter can get it

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I am now done with this game.

holy shit, didn’t pick up on that in the audition scene, fucking rad

i just beat it on the easiest difficulty and my rationale for this is that BJ canonically shreds through Nazis like wet paper towels so getting through everything shouldn’t be an issue. (and yeah after a certain point it did just feel like 2016 Doom and i’m all for that). really just cared about the story, anyhow.

a lot of catharsis in this one.

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Surprisingly me even further, this DLC is just all FPS, all the time with no filler. It reminds me of a F.E.A.R. expansion or a Half-Life mod in the best way possible. It’s also even more gonzo and unsubtle than the main game.


so i just got to just after the transhumanist part where bj eats shit on global television

wow. fuckin wow. this game swings for the fences

if you’re interested in watching me lose my shit thru this whole section (with massive lag) check out the video from my stream


After that part for about twenty minutes or so I wasn’t sure if the story was “real” anymore or if it was eventually going to be revealed as another dream sequence type thing like the court room battle. Were B.J.‘s rockin’ new bod and further adventures actually happening or was it all just the last things his fevered mind thought as his severed head fell into the furnace.

It was a bit of a mind fuck. I’m still not entirely sure. Up to that point everything was just going straight from bad to worse to even more worse. But then after that it’s a complete about face! Very well done storytelling.

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yea same, i was second guessing whether everything after his return to the childhood home was a dream.

i was also really out of my gourd at the time which added to the sense of unreality lol

also i just realized set calls shoshana “katzele” and that makes my life lmao

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just got to the audition scene, of all the things this game would pull i didnt expect hitler killing yung ronreagan for looking like a jew to be one of them


Discourse Collective is an awesome podcast, I’m psyched to listen to this! I’ve been really getting into their theory episodes lately, it’s a really entertaining and digestible introduction to some pretty dense material.

Their opening structural criticisms are completely unrelatable to me and seem to have their own answers embedded (i.e. saying a very conventional 2nd act break that they even identify as happening “2/3 of the way through the game” feels like it should be the end of the game FULL STOP WHY DID THEY THEN CHANGE SHIT UP AND KEEP GOING?)

Also the party scene is amazing and perfect and works wonderfully.