the Death Egg at the end of both sonic 2 and s&k


In the late 90s there was a fair amount of speculation Oblivion would take place on Summerset, but they seem to have decided against that by the time they started making expansions

Was there ever an explanation for the change to Cyrodil’s climate?

Well the next one is Elsweyr apparently so get ready for a lot of that weird pseudoArabic rolly-R Khajiit accent.

Someone modded it with the creation kit.

No, really.

They’re going to find a way to suck all the creative energy out of the Khajiit like they have out of every other region they’ve set a game in since Oblivion

If we’re lucky they’ll figure out how to do tails by then

WE HAVE TO GO BACK on topic, so maybe we just need to break out a proper TES thread?

All the Shantae games feature Scuttle Town and its immediate surroundings, even if they aren’t exactly the same.


Löwenseering in ENTHUSIA, and then there’s

Löwenseering in Road Fighters, where physics get sidelined.

I like these cases where assets are reused in a different kind of game and you can tell that it has been a slap-dash-job, since it doesn’t fit the new environment.


R-Type Delta stage 5 is a destroyed version of the first game, with pieces of bosses and familiar structures floating around as obstacles.

Dragon Warrior 3 includes the clearest example I can remember, but it’s already been mentioned. Another very small example is in Paladin’s Quest when you come upon a Dragon Warrior shop. Not exactly the same thing, I guess, but a fun little reference.

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Not surre if this stuff counts

Stadiums, arenas, and race tracks aplenty.

Which one of the GBA/DS Castlevanias had the rubble of Alucard’s giant coffins in all of the save rooms?

Timesplitters 2 had a loose version of the Goldeneye dam.

Team Fortress 2’s 2fort, among others, are prettied up versions of maps from the Q1 mod.

There must be some more fighting game ones . . .

one of Capcom VS SNK 2’s boss stages was on top of Ryu’s castle

but like in the middle of the city (?)

it might not be the same castle, but you could also check Ryu’s stages in A2 and 3S

Semi-related but I think every KOF features a train yard

can we get a train yard thread? y/n

The various games in The Longest Journey series do a lot of this. Dreamfall revisits various areas of Venice, Newport from the first game, including April’s apartment building, now used for illegal scientific experiments and the Fringe, which was changed from a student cafĂ© to an upscale club. Dreamfall Chapters revisits the House of All Worlds from the original game and turns it into a major location. All three games feature the city of Marcuria, and specific parts of it are featured across all three games, most notably the Journeyman Inn and its immediate surroundings.


There’s many Doom II mods that revisit the icon of sin in map30. Plutonia, TNT Evilution, Hell Revealed, Hell Revealed II, Alien Vendetta.
Most notably Kama Sutra, where the icon of sin is hidden in a huge vagina.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E86yF9-8k7Y (nsfw)

Ace of Spades was in Guitar Hero, Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero Smash Hits and Guitar Hero Metallica.

Metal Gear Solid was, in structure and boss/encounter design more or less a remake of Metal Gear 2.
Metal Gear Solid 2 was, in structure and boss/encounter design more or less a remake and a deconstruction of Metal Gear Solid.

Persona series has the Velvet Room.

Phantasy Star, II and IV.

This happened in reverse for me, since I played Dragon Warrior III for the Game Boy Color before playing I and II. The second half of III takes place in in the world of I and II, and is eventually revealed to be a prequel for those games. I went back to play the first two games, to find that the first took place on a single continent on that second world, and the second encompassed that second world entirely. I got to visit the Dragonlord’s Castle three times.

Banjo’s House and Spiral Mountain are both in Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie.

also nuts and bolts