kizuna encounter is set in southtown, the setting for the fatal fury series, a few decades in the future
space quest 4 has a level where you time travel back to space quest 1
Doesn’t one of the Dragon Quests’ world maps contain the first Dragon Quest’s world map in its entirety as like a small section of a much bigger map?
apparently it is a glossed-over part of the map in ii but an entire in-depth late game area in iii. interesting!
grand theft auto san andreas has a mission where you go to liberty city from GTAIII to shoot people
there’s a part in saints row 4 where you visit a simulation of the city from saints row 1 and 2
the introductory area of borderlands 1 is in borderlands 2
Yeah DQ3 did the Kanto twist years before Pokemon did. You essentially do the main quest of DQ1 for the endgame.
In DQ2 Alefgard (the name of the country) is shrunk down and most of the towns are gone without a trace.
Uru and Myst 5 both have you revisit Myst Island (in the latter it’s actually part of the Bad End).
Banjo-Tooie starts out in the same tutorial area as Banjo-Kazooie, two years later and in a state of much disrepair.
You can access part of the moat outside Peach’s Castle from Super Mario 64 if you drive off course in one of the stages in Mario Kart 64. Kind of a cross-series variant.
Parts of Escape from Monkey Island (the mediocre 4th game) take place on Melee and Monkey islands. The SCUMM Bar on the former has been replaced with a tacky sushi bar called the LUA, in a goofy meta-nod to the change in scripting systems.
You revisit the UNATCO headquarters in Deus Ex Invisible War which is in a complete state of disrepair (to the point where it’s maybe over the top) and inhabited by homeless people. Also there is still the soda machine in there and it still won’t give people lemon lime.
dank souls 2 and 3 are set in the same place as 1, more or less.
do the silent hill games count
what about south town spanning AoF and FF?
Marathon Infinity revisits many locations in Marathon 2, but versions in parallel universes. Does that count?
Metroid Zero Mission let’s you visit the ship seen in Super Metroid BEFORE it was ruined, does that count?
Isn’t there a similar thing in Zeld Lad 1 and 2?
Oh yeah there is. i actually didn’t check to see if that hadn’t been named already, because i assumed it had been. Yes Zelda 2 takes you through Death Mountain to an (extremely miniaturized) version of Hyrule from the first game. It’s only faintly recognizable due to the change in scale, from a screen-to-screen world to an RPG abstracted overland.
persona 4 golden has areas from persona 3 you access by scooter
you revisit the big open map from ffxiii in xiii-2 (in at least two different eras iirc per the time travel conceit) but lightning returns is all new areas
Deus Ex begins on Liberty Island.
Deus Ex: Invisible War ends there.
Does one consider repeating the end of Rondo of Blood as the start of Symphony of the Night as counting? If so, Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap does the same thing.
Late in Borderlands 2 you revisit the main hub city from Borderlands 1, and it’s been cracked in half and flooded with pools of toxins from Hyperion’s planetary fracking operation.
You revisit the Federation’s capital castle in Drakengard 2, and predictably it’s abandoned and filled with ghosts.
SMT3 and 4 feature the same water fountain in Ginza but very different connecting corridors (it’s not that cool but those games are still awesome)
SotN’s clock tower is also directly based on Rondo’s.
Also, the town you visit at the start of Rondo is one from Simon’s Quest, albeit with an incorrect name.
Portal II takes place in the same facility as Portal I, and sees you revisiting specific areas like the boss fight room from the first game, but centuries later in a state of decay.