tbh I can’t really play most regular first person titles for any longer than I can do seated VR stuff anyway, it’s like 90 minutes at a time either way
I generally expect those to max out at more like 10-15 hours than 30 though regardless
anyway I still think PSVR is the one to get, having access to RE7 and Polybius and AC7 and wipeout and astro bot is just too much to contend with. Plus it at least has superhot and sprint vector and is less hacky than most PC setups
FWIW Polybius works fine on PC if you’re on Oculus hardware.
I think there’s value in being able to just download anyone’s hacky demo and run it and the Quest/PSVR are never going to have that kind of flexibility for side-loading.
The Rift S is at least $100 too expensive, though.
Oh, totally. A janky VR demo can easily be literally unplayable.
I feel bad for calling the Quest streaming “sad” now that VC’s found it good but this is really, really something you don’t want to fuck with latency for.
The surprising amount of comfort VC notes in even laggy streamed things is probably Oculus’ very good reprojection (transforming an old frame to match head movement at a higher framerate than full render updates), which I’ve heard can be good down to 30FPS(!), much better than the already-impressive PSVR reprojection, which made 60FPS more comfortable than it should have been, though it is very intolerant to games dropping below 60.
I’ve noticed that even framerates above the PC standard of 90 are incredibly important. 120 fps looks enormously more stable than 90 and has been really important for clarity and comfort. It’s like shrug’s experience with high-framerate movies; temporal resolution is actually very important for clarity, though I don’t know the theory behind it.
Oh I meant to say that VR terrifies me. Anything even remotely scary is incredibly intimidating to my frail mind. I don’t know how someone could legit play a scary game in this, I got scared when I turned tiny in the secret shop and had to take the headset off
I love how much I notice light & dark, and how much I notice scale
When we first got the Oculis devkits and the only working VR game was Left 4 Dead 2 I realized for the first time that I had to look up to Coach and realized how they built him to have that presence
finally got my first taste of audio stuff on the oculus quest
everything sounds like shit
it’s hard to give you any low-EQ stuff when the speakers are in the headset and not over your ears
if this takes off it basically is the end of any really interesting sound design stuff we can do because it’s not like we can just assume that your average user is going to have a pair of headphones they want to plug into it