How FF7 Remake’s midboss Crab Warden took about five times as long to kill as Dragon Quest 2’s final boss
my immediate reaction to FF7R was “this takes too fucking long” and I went “fuck this” at that boss fight
In 0.5 seconds of Wizardry I:
- Approached the chamber of Werdna
- Engaged Werdna in combat
- Was instantly wiped by a death spell
- Started in town with my party completely gone, forcing me to start a new one from Lv. 1 just to reach the final room of the final floor to rescue my captured party, which I still haven’t done yet tbh
I’m actually having an inverse reaction to Dragon’s Dogma where the combat is very simplistic and takes a long time to resolve but it also involves navigating a realistically lit field at night which is properly terrifying under the right circumstances.
That’s about how fast I go from smug to wiped in Caves of Qud too, although in that game instead of the final boss it’s, for instance, two glowmoths slamming me with simultaneous projectiles on the first turn after a screen transition
Yeah CoQ is one of those games that draws me in with its sense of acceleration, I like the feeling of starting slow doing the basic shit and ramping up into crazy superpowers
YouTube videos be like,
Narration: “90% of the game, I really enjoyed, loved, and I think that it fixed a lot of the issues that OG Crystal had, added a lot of cool, new features”.
An ancient art really. There’s a reason why journalists don’t have any say in the headlines of their articles and often only learn the provocative, misleading headline the editor slapped on it once it’s already in print.
I suppose it’s psychologically harder for Youtubers who must maintain, as single individuals, a dual consciousness of fair and clickbaity. Realistically that’s hard to sustain which is why they mostly wind up going full clickbait from beginning to end
meatball beam
“tasteless” i assume is a mistranslation of what should be “flavorless?” if anything in that sequence of images is tasteless…
Alright I’ll try to get around to it in Japanese and see what is up.
The original word is probably 無味 I would assume. It looks like this word only describes food’s insipid taste, never people’s tacky taste (which would be 無風流)
How corpse ragdolls wiggle at high speed around your legs in Demon’s Souls
And how that symbolizes the Spiritual Essence of Videogames for me: this medium is constituted out of jank. Even when Naughty Dog polishes the crap out of every asset in sight, they still can’t escape this
you need to backtrack to the home depot first to get the wood beam and pipe boots
there’s always that one ENERGIBEHÅLLARE just out of reach that you need to remember on your way out
just to the contrary,