this art style
Style is a generous way of saying it
Always assumed this was the result of studying from those American books on How to Draw Anime you could find in your libraries.
i always assumed this particular hyper-specific style was just the same very busy artist? guess it could be a bunch of different people
there’s also stuff like this, a missing link?
That Samurai Spirits art is an actual, considered style, and it’s unironically good
The western GBA cover of River City Ransom is maybe trying to ape that sort of thing, but it winds up with an “aesthetic” more than a style. Specifically, early-2000s gamer webcomics. It’s ironically good
Big fan of the Gunstar Heroes art. HAN (Tetsuhiko Kikuchi) has an impeccable grasp on those gangly, awkward forms, with every expression being distinct, precise, but not the least bit overwrought. Very deserving of the title COOL CHARACTER CREATOR
games from the 80s should be public domain
I always just view this “style” as a subset of early 00s webcomic.
the famous stalker modder who tried to man who stole the sun in his own basement and died
like i wonder what mad genius stuff hed be up to if he didnt die. also Cameron Sneed is an amazing name
This is actually the style I was asking about in quick questions. A Japanese or Asian version of this distinctly strange approximation of a style.
I just couldn’t think of where I’d seen it for reference.
this has become a personal meme for me. also i will not explain the context lol
i jokingly described all mens media six months ago as 'men in suits with slicked back hair… somebody’s after someone… a man is important" because i was watching a lot of formulaic action movies, but then it started fitting all the games and movies and shit i was engaging with until finally the 25th ward just said it
just had this insane outlook on life ever since
Slicked back hair movies vs shaved head movies
you know, I have a soft spot for that game
what game?
The N64’s premier roleplaying game, Aidyn Chronicles: the First Mage!