videogame things you think about a lot lot lot

I don’t know. I never knew G64 was comparable to M64

In the jojo’s bizarre adventure heritage for the future, when you do an infinite and the combo indicator goes from complimenting you to saying “TO MUCH” and “STOP!”


the rumors about the PS5 Pro (if it exists) are that it will support 8k

so i went to go take a look at the cost of 8k TVs right now and they all reach nearly $10,000

what uh…what is Sony trying to do?


8K is essentially not real, FYI – no one is mastering or producing 8K content. about the only thing you could run in 8K is like, quake, just for kicks, to prove that you could scale something up to native 8K.

30 tflops (which is what the PS5 Pro is apparently going to have) would not be enough to run current games at 8K without a very low-fidelity AI upscaling pass, so I think this is just nonsense. whereas the base PS5’s 10 flop GPU is not really good enough for native 4K a lot of the time in the first place.


so even moreso then - what is Sony trying to do? i feel like their calculations on the trajectory and purpose of the PS5 have been all wrong. but also MS has been wrong about the Series X - it’s the better console imo! why are they kneecapping it?!



I honestly think this generation has been a total washout on multiple levels


imo these companies should just subtract the 2 years of lockdown and chip shortages from their calculations

but, shareholders, etc.

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well, part of it is that the PS4 hardware was exceptionally long-lived (its CPU was incredibly shitty at launch but engines mostly got better at dealing with that the same way they did the PS3’s weird architecture), and then the Switch became popular, and then the Steam Deck became popular, and the baseline requirements for a game that most people want to play basically have not moved since 2013 as a consequence (both the Series S and Steam Deck are more or less PS4s with less egregiously bad CPUs, and GPUs that are a rounding error off). but of course Sony and Microsoft wanted new consoles out in the market, and Nvidia hardware on the PC side was getting dozens of times better, and to justify a generational increase under these circumstances they probably should’ve waited like 9 years instead of 7, but that would’ve been a hard sell for them at the time.

2016-2017 Macbooks were also like, uniquely poorly-timed garbage from a hardware perspective, it happens. the PS3 itself almost certainly falls in this bucket as well, but back then they were able to make up with it with exclusive software and nowadays they can’t really


basically, everyone finally got the “stop making new hardware and keep releasing games for current hardware” scenario that they all claimed to want, except the platforms themselves are still being churned even though the hardware target isn’t really changing. the PS4 is getting shadows of the erdtree almost 11 years after launch.

also, the ratio of how much more powerful a new generation needs to be than the previous one to make a meaningful difference is actually hard to predict. the PS5 was more or less a clean 5x the base PS4 on both CPU and GPU and that arguably wasn’t enough this time, they needed more like 10, and 10 wasn’t affordable to ship until this year because the way you get to 10 on the PC is through Nvidia hardware that’s gotten more and more expensive.

also, AAA dev keeps getting more conservative and dysfunctional at the same time which doesn’t help


Excited to buy an even more powerful PS4 emulator for cheap a couple years down the line the EXACT moment RPSC4 becomes viable.


just as a general judgment I think games have fallen way way off since 2019 but that’s not really because of the pandemic or shortages or generational transitions, it’s because 2019 was a ridiculous peak, but the shitty generational transition has compounded that feeling

like I would consider 1990-93, 1997-2004, and 2014-2019 all as little golden eras


Personally I am thoroughly enjoying the fact that my kids can keep playing the ps4 without them bugging me about spending 600 dollars or whatever on some new thing


why it’s for The Last Of Us, Part One And Two, now in 8K. Remade from the ground up AGAIN to support the PS5 Pro’s new blahblahbal


I am once again thinking about the Senko No Ronde arrange album art



I already question how valuable 4K is? It feels like so much goes to refining the details of things that you blaze by be it movies or games rendered to such detail. Often a lesser resolution doesn’t have much impact on my enjoyment. Sure if it’s easy to run I’ll take it, but truth be told 2K is usually great. But pushing for 8K? I’m sure the number chasers will care, but outside of side by side comparisons, will it really matter?


i’m still a little annoyed that we went from talking about vertical resolution (1080p) to horizontal resolution (4K, which is actually only 3840 anyway)


If nothing else, higher resolutions make a big difference for readability of small UI text


They could just… make the text bigger.


sometimes, yeah, but font antialiasing is already one of those things that was surprisingly worse on early LCDs for quite a while, people got used to it, and it only really improved with higher DPI displays, which developers started adopting more consistently than their audiences, so we wound up with a problem that was simultaneously solved and unsolved as people started shipping smaller text


Complaining about Reddit: someone still mad about Ninja Turtles NES when that game is so weird and good. The Japanese name renders the name in Kanji as Konami was oft to do.

What a game Geki Kame Ninja Den.