Video Game Youtube Channels To Watch 📺

[shows off my tattoo of the words “That’s right, I watched the whole Matthewmatosis Dark Souls video.”]

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Stumbled across this randomly tonight:

Currently this guy is doing a series on the internals of the Super Nintendo, with a fascinating video on how Mode7 is implemented:

This is super juicy, but requires some math (basic trigonometry and intermediate matrix operations) and computer science background to fully understand. This was the first video I watched so I have no idea if it makes any sense if you’ve watched the previous chapters.

I can’t even imagine how long this video took to make (well, two months elapsed since the previous part in the series, so probably that long). If you like Low Score Boy’s stuff but wish it was more frequent, this is pretty good.


@fortninety linked this on his blog, great vid.

yeah the math here is over my head but this is fascinating!

This guy has cool vidz of japanese PC stuff and external midi module sound comparisons.

gee whiz

This fellow reviews light gun treasures and trash.

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This guy has some seriously in-depth videos on Tenchi wo Kurau II. I love seeing stuff like this for single player games.


I thought for a moment this was the person who uploaded the in-depth Aliens VS Predator combo video, but it’s not. Pleasantly surprised to see more of this stuff! People who create educational videos to teach high level play are heroes, especially for older games.


So IIRC Morgankitten once posted here for a hot minute (as Rokkan?) and she recently made a pretty great video analysis of Sonic the Hedgehog 1 going through both the good and the bad. Hopefully she continues making similar ones


I thought I had posted Core A Gaming here before but it seems I haven’t. Really great channel with ~10 minute analysis videos about various fighting game things like what differentiates 3D fighters and 2D fighters or what makes a move overpowered. You may also know Gerald from a video he did a few years ago taking a look at what controllers are used to win Evo.

Anyway, this is just an excuse to bring up today’s upload, because it features an amazing addendum on Bishoujo Sailor Moon S for the Super Nintendo which I guess is the best/worst SNES fighting game of all time.

I love this channel a lot and in a dream world I would have loved to be his analogue in the music gaming scene. (my attempt)


robert yang’s level design commentaries are getting really good now that he’s done looking at half-life games


Beaglerush is the kind of guy I think is passably entertaining but some might find annoying, but he is very, very, VERY good at playing nu-Xcom. He has a habit of starting series which seem friggin great but then quitting before finishing, which is absolutely fine, and then not posting anything to yt for like a year+ at a time, which is also fine.

So he just started a new series with a custom mod that he made for Xcom 2 with the intent of making it more difficult and more tactical, while taking out some of the more RPG like elements and cheesier powercurve strategies. He basically just put in a bunch of ideas he thought might work and hasn’t balance tested it at all.

It has produced this episode, which ends with an entire platoon of Advent (like, literally 35 of them) shooting at his little 8-man team, and… well, if you like tactical stuff you owe it to yourself to watch this episode. You can skip the strategy layer stuff and some of the early setup turns. But my god I’ve never seen anything this nailbiting in a turnbased strategy game in my life.

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xoxak is a man with a serious mountain drawl, ‘reviews’ shooters charmingly.





I know there were a few people around here who were having fun with @Flylighter’s Daggerfall LP that ended unceremoniously years ago. Well, looks like Round 2 is coming


CIAM dreamworld

Wait nobody posted donoteat01 to this thread yet? Everyone’s favorite leftist urban planning nerd who plays cities skylines to explain how cities develop and work?

This video on highways is a great intro to his deal:

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donoteat had a dedicated axe thread for a while, that’s how I found out about the channel

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hang out with the gang at mikado if this hasn’t already been linked

longplays without commentary, usually megadrive stuff from real hardware with some kind of sound mod

dude who plays a lot of jarpegs, not quite speedruns but very competent
feel like this will be my genre if i ever become a Content Creator

msx/pc88 stuff



i was thinking about how i hate most game youtubers! the choice seems grim from smi77y to dunkey to sovietwomble. they all have pieces of something i want but are clouded down with AT BEST obnoxious screaming and AT WORST just plain bigotry
actually no at worst is they’re fucking sex creeps who want to send nudes to their teenage audience. so they amp up the HELLO FELLOW KIDS nonsense for years as they age

the obvious answer to this is ‘listen to a podcast’ but look. they’re long and theres no pictures!! they cramp on my music time!


ill give a few examples


todd tuckey owns a pinball and arcade restoration warehouse/video arcade in pennsylvania. hes got the charm of a grandpa who just discovered his green screen
tnt amusements isnt a review channel, but if you like arcade games and how they WORK, its really neat
also the way they restore pinballs I love, but i know some people who get all offended when they see old machines with super-bright LEDS


play different is a channel by a very handsome sounding host, who talks about ALL YOUR FAVORITE OLD MAC GAMES! and hardware! and non-game software!

the channel is full of trivia, like even when im watching a video of something i thought i KNEW ABOUT i get to learn cool little factoids

also possibly the only place on youtube to get all the kid pix sounds


mandalore gaming is weird. i dont play games like this EVER! i just cant stop watching his videos. hes super calm and collected, his jokes are really deadpan but CLEVER. this guy is the most actual ‘youtube gaming’ of the bunch. i think he participates in the community so you’ll hear him in a video of someone’s totally obnoxious lets play
hes definitely got me curious about genres i wouldnt give a shit about otherwise