Twin Peaks

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poor sarah palmer

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mmm this is about all i can think about lately. i just watched fire walk with me for the first time in many years and wow it is fucking blistering

gonna watch the missing pieces for the first time pretty soon

me and my partner have been rewatching everything together but i just realized last week that she’s leaving town the sunday this drops and not getting back until thursday

that’s gonna be a rough couple days


RIP Michael Parks


“It is happening again” is basically the best possible tagline for any and all sequels and reboots.

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can’t stop watching it

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The coolest thing about rewatching peaks in anticipation of the new series is having this music constantly playing in my head as I walk around. Gives me a bit of extra swagger


Me too except I’m afflicted with the awkward swagger of the darker s2 finale version


I chickened out of getting a photo with Sheryl Lee three weeks ago at a horror convention. How badly did I goof?

aw buddy, you faced your shadowself with imperfect courage


I just watched “The Missing Pieces” for the first time last night! I didn’t realize a) it was all scenes from FWMM, not FWMM+Original show, or that b) it was cut together like a movie. I was blown away by how well it stands on its own as a filim and not just a random collection of scenes. Y’all gotta make sure u watch it before Sunday if you haven’t already.

Gonna rewatch FWMM tomorrow. Hype level off the charts.

So what do y’all wanna see? Something relatively close to the original show in terms of tone? Or 18 straight hours of Inland Empire? I’d love either, tbh, but I know a lot of my friends would be alienated by the latter so that’ll make it less fun for me.

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I expect full weirdness. Originally Twin Peaks was like a Dallas or Dynasty shaped Trojan Horse stuffed with weirdness. What alienated audiences in 1990 is the same thing that people go to it for now.

Plus Lynch stepped on the surrealist gas in the 90s (Straight Story is the exception that proves the rule).

We’re never going to have a character sit down and map out that Bob is a manitou and the Black Lodge is hell or anything concrete like that.

Oh I totally agree with you there. It’s not the weirdness level, so much as the extreme amount of horror and unpleasantness. For example, my good friend Harrison won’t watch Fire Walk With Me, cuz he knows what happens in it and doesn’t think he can stomach a movie that so directly depicts such awful things. Some ppl are sensitive like that, so I wonder if Lynch has them in mind somewhat.

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i am psyched out of my mind

i secretly hope that it totally alienates everyone who hates fwwm and is dressed as the log lady eating cherry pie hoping to hear cooper say “damn fine coffee” or whatever these FAKE FANS on my facebook friend list are doing

i guess i’m kidding but i did just finish going through and watching just the lynch-directed episodes and uhhhh it is going to be interesting to see how the new stuff hits zany characters whacky comedy style twin peaks fans

damn lynch hasn’t done any filmmaking in like 11 years or whatever and there’s gonna be 18 new hours this summer, god damn

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I dig how Firewalk with Me has the fun campy first half for the general TV Twin Peaks fans, and then the second half is a grueling serious movie about incest. That gee whiz Norman Rockwell Americana/horrific violence duality is so key to a lot of his work. I don’t think he wanted to make just the second half, but felt roped into doing the first for the fans. Both halves are important.

It’s like he heard Ebert’s criticism of Blue Velvet, and rather than shying away from what bummed out Rog, instead refined his mix of comic and tragic.