Twin Peaks

I regret watching this straight-to-video Enter the Void sequel via a questionably low bitrate AppleTV Showtime stream.

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on live tv it looks like shit and there’s color banding on everything. I always get the 5-6 gig 1080 rips later on which look real nice and I can hear dialogue and background sounds much better too. I think they come off amazon or something.

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Yeah I watched a few of those they looked real nice. Interesting that it looks imperfect on actual tv, though.

Yeah, I’m getting a pretty severe posterized kind of look in the blacks and greys rather than subtle gradients.

Lynch also used this in Inland Empire but I couldn’t recognize it. Probably because it wasn’t that initial violin shriek and it might have been buried in a sound collage.

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Mmm, I didn’t really like this one. It was too explicit explaining where all the bad stuff comes from. It’s also got nothing to do with any of the characters except Laura, and I actually don’t like her involvement as some kind of divinely placed pure soul. I am not as enamoured with retro Americana as I used to be either so it actually makes me roll my eyes a bit when it shows up, but I don’t expect David Lynch to change that about himself. It was just a mix of stuff I didn’t really like.

A lot of the shots were cool in of themselves, but for the first time I didn’t really care what is going on behind the mysteries.

It’ll come back, I just didn’t like this one.

the twin peaks sheriff station is a rally school nowadays and it’s in the game Dirt 4. It was originally the office for the mill so what’s left of that is in there too.


Man, Bob thrashed that ride.

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just your standard twin peaks episode about the birth and death of time, space and all things

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i’m kind of sad that david bowie isn’t going to be in this

ok really sad :frowning:

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yeah, not really into this episode much either. i don’t mind this stuff being part of twin peaks, but i don’t think lynch is a particularly good experimental filmmaker, so when its almost a whole episode of this it is just a drag for me,

I loved the episode but agree that a lot of it was a bit on the nose, and I’m worried about what they are doing with Laura Palmer’s character. It’s anyone’s guess what it all actually meant though, so here’s hoping it something more interesting.

NIN seems appropriate though BC the era in which Lynch was the most relevant is also the period where NIN and David Bowie most closely resemble one another


Kyle McLachlan fights a parasitic alien bug (also has Chris Mulkey (Hank Jennings))

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loved the new dragon ball

Is the girl Sarah Palmer?

  • The great frog roach has decended to Earth at the behest of Tommy Tallboy + Kissy Karla as a divine conduit for the incarnation of mankind’s last best hope: unfairly abused drug addicted prostitute prom queen and all-around charmer Laura Palmer!
  • The evil and very rude Burned Bums have lulled the wholesome townsfolk of Pleasantville to an un-consented slumber in order to facilitate the acquisition of a host for their temporarily bugged out #1 big bro: horse-haired tear-em-up party boy Ruff Robert!

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Yeah, I think the bug egg was the Bob vessel in the mother/experiment’s nuclear creamed corn vomit, rather than the golden orb thing.