Translations and ROMhacks II

Super Nintendo games didn’t even have ratings! It was introduced by Sega!!!

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cooly skunk!



wild that that was just sitting on the shelf at super potato




YES! I want all the Shirens translated! N64 emu is still kinda spotty though, isn’t it?

N64 emulation is really quite good now. don’t use project64, though. use mupen64+ or mupen64+Next in retroarch (or paraLLEl if you’re feeling frisky. it’s improving quickly)


fond memories of sixtyforce and ultrahle both having like single digit compatibility lists when they were the only option on their respective platforms like eight years apart

I live rent free in zophar’s domain


Pretty big double whammy here!


Warning: Goemon 3 has a transphobic slur in it

Aghh that sucks.

cool as all hell

Someone made a no-slur version of goemon 3

not tested for errors but its such a small change




Holy shit, very excited to give this a go. Music and scenario by Ryuichi Sakamoto, inspired by the Gaia hypothesis, that earth’s organisms are active participants in shaping the planet’s atmospheric conditions to continue sustaining life. This is so up my alley.

I thought it would be me; evolution and long-perspective games are exactly my thing (E.V.O., Cubivore, Tokyo Jungle are some of my most influential anythings), but this is a strange case where the irreverent Lovedelic tone really deflated the sense of stretching time.

Thinking about it, it really fits with Calvino’s Cosmicomics, which disconcertingly bounces between profound and earthy – it’s not bad but it really spins me around.


Is that just the patch, do I also gotta go track down an ISO I think I have one someplace

Lots getting released recently. Here’s Madou Monogatari for the Mega Drive, remake of the debut game for the Puyo popping Arle:

Title translated as Sorcery Saga.
I think this is the first game in this series to be translated into English in even an unofficial capacity?

EDIT: I guess not!


People have hacked the Gamecube version of Super Monkey Ball 2 to turn it into Super Monkey Ball Deluxe which was only released for PS2 and Xbox OG and was essentially SMB1+2+Some extra stages. The advantage of this I suppose is being able to emulate in a far better emulator as well as putting it on whatever hacked Nintendo console you might have.

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That Wii game that I always thought had really nice box art but didn’t know much else about has been fan translated into English. It’s Earth Seeker:


Generally considered the creator of Fire Emblem, Shouzou Kaga left Intelligent Systems and the franchise sometime after the release of the final SNES game Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. In 2001 his new studio would release Tear Ring Saga for PS1, a game so similar to Fire Emblem that Nintendo successfully sued them for it. That game has already been fan-translated (and recently retranslated even?).

Now the non-story related sequel to Tear Ring has also been translated. It’s Berwick Saga: Lazberia Chronicle, Chapter 174 for the PS2. It uses a hex grid now! Also no weapon triangle @Felix @idiot


British English or American English?

  • American English. I’m originally from Minnesota, so don’t be surprised if you see a Midwestern idiom or phrasing pop up now and then.

The game was a commercial failure though and the studio never made another game ever again after that. Shouzou Kaga has however a little more recently tried some indie work: