trading cards you like

I also have a group of people to play with but don’t really want to commit to buying more physical cruft right now, so I don’t play.

It also may be a good time for returning but not for me for starting because If I’m going to build deck I want to have all the cards available.

wow, onesies actually looks really cool! I’m considering trying it for myself and my brother to get him into deckbuilding

that was always the hardest thing – the most fun we’ve had playing TCG/CCGs is when we’re both deckbuilding against each other, but I’m the only one with the cards right now so it’s kinda hard for him to do anything, which forces me to build decks for him to play, which isn’t ideal

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so like ok. Someone plays gravity bind, and they build their deck around it.
so they have weaker monsters and can’t get past the wall of the stronger monsters. So then that player next turn either counters the trap, destroys the trap. the ‘or higher’ is freaking ridiculous though.

But outside of building around this card, it’s not great. Right? IDK. They seem so close yet so far.

from 5D’s onwards this kinda stuff was totally fixed, yugioh has been good for at least a decade at this point. Tournament play is the standard “buy the newest, most expensive cards to win” but I think the kinda mid level experimenting with weird decks type of play is way more fun in yuges than any other tcg ive played

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Kaervek’s Spite combos with Barren Glory as a win condition if you Oblivion Ring Barren Glory (or something else with the exile then return mechanic). I played a deck that used it for a while just for funsies.

There is an ever easier version now where you just cast Kaervek’s Spite with an Academy Rector in the table at the end of your opponent turn.

You cast Spite, everything in your table dies including the Rector. You use the Rector’s triggered ability to put the Barren Glory on the table, win.

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Oh man, I even had another Academy Rector-based deck and didn’t think of that one. I was just so happy to find a use for Spite.

Well ideally you’d have a card whose effect was something like “In the end phase, all monsters attack their owners life points directly” and then i’d have a card whose effect was “All damage to your life points from attacking monsters is instead applied to your opponent” and it’d go on like that.

more prosaically, there are spell cards which raise the ATK of monsters.


sorry if all the card art is stretched, discourse bemuses me with when it downloads images and when it doesnt and …

interestingly 5D is about when i stopped playing, altho that was mainly because the large amount of text on cards was getting too small to actually read … also i got a normal monster card which had an exclamation mark on it and i felt whoever wrote it didn’t really understand how to write normal monster card text.

i think it was [details=Frostosaurus]

… i mean “glacial rampage” is pretty good but using exclamation marks totally ruins the tone.

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Nothing can withstand its glacial rampage.

Would have been great flavor text by itself.


Look all I know is duel links because I’m a godamn_man and I will not be seen buying card packs in public this late in life.

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fucked up

I assume it’s done to eliminate edge-case timing issues, but the fact that it gains all its powers only when the fighting starts is kinda cool. Also that it doesn’t matter if you’re involved in the combat, this dude just gets so fuckin’ pumped when someone fights that he can do anything.



aesthetically and mechanically this card is awesome

I feel like it’s noteworthy how YGO’s Black/Dark Hole, which is identical in function, has a very similar flavor

Removal spells are always so iconic–it’s great to have iconic art as well

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Oh, neat. It’s like the black counterpart to the classic Wrath of God. They even went with the same theme for the illustration.


The set Damnation came from, Planar Chaos, featured color-shifted versions of a bunch of cards because it represented an alternate version of the present. This is because the other two sets in the block, Time Spiral and Future Sight, were based on the past (reprints on the old card frames) and future (cards “from the future” with mechanics that have since been/will eventually be in sets).


That’s a cool concept.

I stopped playing after Kamigawa so there’s a big chunk of expansions I know next to nothing about.
I’m kinda tempted to dive in again though