Damn I love playing Red
I worked it out, the secret is
multiplied with Lucky Clovers
lol this actually gets some wins when people think it’s flash Dimir rogue mill and scoop at the first Temple of Deceit
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
eah I get it there’s a lot of stupid jargon in MtG meta but nothing will inhibit my enthusiasm for casting Venture Deeper 10-15 times from the same card. should probably run more than 2 copies?
I appreciate your enthusiasm! I wish I knew more about mtg, it’s such a bizarre game. I just like to reference that whenever possible
me, the player maining a self-mill deck: yes, please, fuel my graveyard
joke’s on you, I run Elspeth’s Nightmare too
in response: I am sad
precisely what every MtG player strives for: the moral victory
Wow. I never heard magic more succiently described.
Knowing at least I didn’t twist the rules to justify my cheating.
i recently posted about a pre-magic tcg
Playing a bunch of MtG: Arena lately and I’ve realized it really doesn’t bother me when I lose, except when it’s because of not drawing any cards I need. And even then I’m only like 50% mad because I know it’s probably because I’ve constructed my deck somewhat poorly.
I’ve found the 61 card deck is the sweet spot for drawing the right card at the right time but generally just ignore the deck-building “best practices”. 78 cards with 21 lands? Hell yes now we’re rocking the kitchen table.
also tons of card draw/filtering helps.
I played with a “62 cards, 26 lands” personal philosophy, but this only worked for me because kitchen table > everything, but also my mana curve was always the same for pretty much every deck I built.
5 mana? In this economy?