i’m briefly interrupting my hiatus bc i got a notification email for this thread when @ronk posted the trailer and like

that honestly brought a tear to my eye

when the trailer said “Not all blood… is family”

i felt that



i got stranded in another town the other night and had to get a motel room and i caught the second half of Fast Five and it was a really good set and setting for watching the second half of Fast Five.

i havent actually seen any movies in this series except 1 and 3 when i was a teen. i remember the cars going under the trucks in 1 and i remember my friends and i laughing a lot about the concept of drifting in 3

Everything with the safe heist/car chase scene made me so happy, it was exactly the mood booster i needed that night. A lot of really satisfying shots of cop cars getting smashed up and knocked off of bridges by a big ol safe.

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didn’t realize how unmoved I was by the Rock/Statham only spinouting until I saw vin in the thumbnail and said “there you are dom, my darling, my precious boy” out loud to my laptop

once again this is not a joke

it is me/my life that is the joke


oh fuck

looks like Michelle Rodriguez put her foot down on the shitty writing?

F8 left a bad taste in my mouth

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i never saw Hobbs & Shaw and watching that film’s trailer certainly didn’t make me feel the same weird joy i felt watching an automobile hookshot in this trailer

there’s a lot of objective reasons to argue that The Rock is better than John Cena, but i’ve seen enough of the reality TV show Total Divas know to look forward to Cena’s Hulking Robot Person Energy going into this

You can put the veilside rx-7 paint job on a toyota supra but my headcanon is han is a man of class and prefers the lexus rc f


The stinger at the end.


I am RUNNING to go watch this.

I’m really glad they’re embracing power rangers style color coding. There was a little bit of this with the car colors in the last film but I’m glad that wasn’t a one time thing. And hey, Ramsey got her own poster! Remember Ramsey?

You see, John Cena was coming to take out Han so Han and Statham concocted a plan where Statham would pretend he had already assassinated Han in broad nightlight so Han could go into hiding and then


I kept thinking “oh, her hair is different in this one?”

Same thing when I saw Luda tho.

That wasn’t junk food that was Cinema. I am back on board now


It’s obvious they just shouldn’t make these movies unless Justin Lin is doing them

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I just want to post in this thread to say that the villain in the Fast and Furious cartoon is a guy whose parents were murdered by billionaires and talks about how elections and the American dream are rigged by the 1% so he has to personally redistribute the wealth and also release code that will allow anyone to access any computer because he is also some kind of tech accelerationist who says our dependence on tech makes us weak and he is such a good hacker that he is able to heist a car that is hidden in outer space by bringing a rocket down so the feds hire Dom’s little cousin to stop him to protect the world economic order it’s a very weird plot


I like that Vince wouldn’t let Cena heel turn for years and years, so he just went to movies to do it.

rip han


most logical place it could go, tbh


A friend of mine has been hoping they’d eventually got to space since like Fast Five so this is great news.

a flashback to young dom beating that guy with the wrench and getting banned from the tracks for life and afterwards dom casts the wrench aside and a slow motion shot of the wrench falling through the air cuts to a shuttle rising through space to take dom and crew to the moon for lunar race wars