The Official "Is Something Broken?" Thread

MacOS 11.7.3, Chrome 109.0.5414.119

hmm two-finger swipe-back works for me on macos 13.2 and chrome 109.0.5414.119 so i’m not sure what’s up. hopefully someone else can reproduce and troubleshoot

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that particular combination stops working for me over time at random until I reboot

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Caching or something really seems to be busted, just going from unreads → thread → unreads I watch the same avatars load in again. I am often seeing the loading screen even within a session. This is after I deleted the site data and logged in again. The site feels incredibly sluggish and my battery is getting absolutely murdered.

iphone 14 pro on 16.2 with good wifi/internet

I’m sorry to harp on this because I know toups put a lot of work into it but this feels like it started after the emoji css change. Maybe there’s some user rule I could add to my adblock that would skip the new emoji stuff and fall back to the discourse default? I’m a blob lifer so I don’t care if I lose the functionality.


I’m getting the loading screen on desktop now too

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probably frontend related, stay tuned

@toups I do think you need to revert whatever you changed most recently

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I just managed to get in and disable the most recent “emoji overrides” block, let’s see if that helps


It very noticeably did, thank you


ofc. frankly I had no idea what was going on with any of that

blobs for the blob god


looking at the network tool when loading was slow, seemed like the hosting server process was throttling the upload of the emoji css file. because it’s so large and served directly, if there’s an overall bandwidth limit on uploading to clients, it would get hit hardest when speeds were squeezed

bad suggestion: work out which NginX setting controls this and how to tweak it in the Discourse Docker container
better suggestion: move the big CSS file to S3 somehow


yeah sorry! I should have just reverted that after testing it live!

I think we just shouldn’t use the css solution tbh. we could break it into separate modules but that will prob still be p slow.

is it possible to add javascript without too much fuss?

can we just not do this


The effort is great and cool and I love that folks went so big but how many emoji get posted every day? Cuz I just scrolled through half a dozen threads and saw like…one.


I know I just post :twisted: whenever I say something twisted and otherwise never use a moj


this coinage is far more offensive than any png – have you no decency þur




I’ve implemented a fix for this. hopefully it should just stop happening, but I’ve implemented an additional measure to mitigate it by automuting youtube embeds that aren’t already playing when they aren’t visible

it seems to work well after a considerable amount of testing but if anyone encounters strange behavior or other bugs please report them here