The News Grandmaster 4000

Is this a remake of that Monster Boy game that came out like, last year? Or something else?


Different game, Wonder Girl: The Dragon’s Trap is well worth a look though.

I was talking about this:

Seems like maybe it wasn’t released at all, and they just delayed the game to improve the graphics etc? I could have sworn I read a review of it somewhere though


Why doesn’t mega man 11 look like this I’m fuckin livid


Megaman was starting to look that good when MM8 came out but then all the idiots screamed that it looked stupid and they wanted it to look bad again



I sorta don’t hate how it looks, somehow the 2.5d look or whatever suits Mega Man.

buying this so hard
good job peeps

Music may as well be from the Xenogears soundtrack, which is a good thing.

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Level design looks a bit too Vanillaware in the clip honestly

this is looking pretty good

I backed it. Gotta support Kinuko and Personi

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I wish I didn’t keep bouncing off of KoDP

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i want to do a documentary about the sexuality of dead or alive fans. they all get really excited about beads of sweat and call boobs “upper regions.” im @'ing werner herzog


DOA 6: where’s my hug at?

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aw sucks, I legit wanted an Xtreme Beach Volleyball title for the PC. I love weird dating sims like that

Also, Battle Royale mode is confirmed for BF5

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I had a roommate back in '04 who was positively certain that DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball was concealing some kind of secret gameplay mode which may have been unlocked with an obscure combination of costumes and activities in sequence. She was an odd one.


That reminds me of gamer speculations about SNES games and even rumors about a secret continent in FF7. But that was about the last time I heard about stuff like that, due to the Internet dispelling things. 04 is an odd time for that indeed!

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