The News Grandmaster 4000

Very big pile of ‘why not sequel tho’

they couldn’t find another name that has two spellings


There’s like 8 spellings for Meghan they coulda gone wild

This is…Rin?

What the fuck is up with those out of place generic animu waifus in Atlus’ enhanced editions?

I got even less excited for a thing I wasn’t excited about.

19 posts were split to a new topic: the “ban anime” act of 2018

I love the mechanics of this stupid game but Jesus am I tired of immediately-next-gen-rereleases.

PS3 -> PS4 rereleases are some of the sloppiest and most enthusiastically embraced by publishers in memory, yeah

they’re frustrating because anything that a developer went to the trouble of getting running well on the PS3 in the first place typically isn’t going to do exceptionally better on the PS4 beyond a simple resolution bump unless considerable effort is made, and in many cases the approach to postprocessing or even simple stuff like vsync is dgaf’ed by comparison to the original release (journey is cross-buy because it was a late sony PS3 release and good for them but some of its most beautiful shaders are busted on the PS4 and most people won’t know or care, plus it’s a much less thoughtful game on a console for which you may not be paying for a subscription service to play online, so that’s a bummer)

it’ll probably never happen again because consoles are now likely to be parked on x86_64 for quite some time so in a sense it’ll never be easier to resell last-gen remasters than it is right now

still don’t buy them imo except in rare cases. even if it’s something you never played/bought in the first place, odds are the steam codebase is less nasty and scales better because it was blessed by the original team.

or even emulate! bad emulation is still preferable to a commercial derivative work made to take the place of a canonical one!


Oxenfree for home computers is free on

i keep trying to think of other scenarios where you could port the voice actors and game genre into a completely different franchise but honestly this is a pretty unique situation

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I would love to see more adaptations of 80s anime properties

I guess this plus DBZ guilty gear is a pretty good double header

speaking of

they haven’t announced whether the japanese or asian releases of hokuto ga gotoku will have english subs, have they? I haven’t imported anything for PS4 before and I doubt it’s going to be localized, so may as well take advantage of it being region-free at least the once…

Can I just take a sec to say I actually kinda love the semi-recent trend of mashing up established game genre frameworks with other properties, even if most of the resultant products have been pretty lackluster (Mostly because 90% of them are Dynasty Warriors but still!)

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HUMANITY and the James Ferraro piece remind me of the PRIMITIVES series by Alan Warburton (who is pretty dang interesting; plz look at some of his critical videos and essays)

Primitives VIII from Alan Warburton on Vimeo.

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This is really helping me crystallize a thought that I’ve always had lurking around the back of my brain in a sort of primordial form which is that, at least to me, Sonic and Strider have always felt like two separated halves of the same non-existent game that got a sort of Bison/Rose treatment

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Some of the DW ones are really good even, which is weird. I definitely enjoy the Gundam ones and the Dragon Quest ones more than the main DW games.

When DWG first got announced, I thought it was a perfect fit for the “a single super unit thrashes the heck out of a bunch of identical mooks” formula of DW. The one I played wasn’t the best though.

Yeah, they took a few games to get it down. I played the 3rd and 4th ones a ton, and they were fun games to mess with just as long as you wanted to and then stop while it was still pleasant. I can’t imagine trying to 100% them though, but I kinda think doing that for a lot of games is hellish, but DW games in particular definitely.

Also the first Fist of the North Star one was a good use of the license and fun times.

RgG flirted with this twice making Kiryu Miyamoto Musashi and thena different famous samurai.