The News Grandmaster 4000

FWIW, personally, Baba is a game that I admire but so far don’t enjoy. It feels like I’m bashing my head repeatedly against a brick wall of impossibility, and then when I succeed I’m immediately faced with the next brick wall. On the other hand, ESA doesn’t awe anybody but it’s hella fun.

Some action games have a similar satisfaction-by-means-of-brick-wall experience with bosses to be sure, but ESA did not (probably in part due to my skill level hitting the sweet spot of who it was designed for).

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I’m saying this example surely proves that the “quality bar” skill that leads to ESA’s really fun bosses and the “analytical and empathetic thinking” that leads to Baba Is You’s mindbendingness must be one and the same skill. It seems to me you are describing the first as being quantitative/incremental and the latter as being qualitative/quantum, and that is true with respect to the result, but it must not be true with respect to the process.

ESA merely appears on the surface to be just another generic representative of indie-community received wisdom and experience. But I think what you said about “the real miracle is how well it was contained and expressed in the final game” applies equally to ESA.

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I played and enjoyed Vanilla Shovel Knight but I can concur with it feeling weirdly empty even with all the charm and love put into it. For me I think it Shovel Knight lacked a strong mechanical hook. The shovel of Shovel Knight felt like it could’ve been any other weapon in most places. I was kind of expecting more in the way of digging stuff up and chucking it. Having what type of ground you were on would effect your actions and such. I haven’t played any of the side Knights games yet but they do look like they have more of a mechanical identity to them.



I’m rating the skill to develop puzzle games, and the caliber of Baba Is You, higher than ESA. And that the step in puzzle creation of lateral thinking that’s very close to puzzle solving is not as important in level design (it pokes it head out during ‘clever’ moments, mostly).

I agree with you that ESA is my favorite small Metroid-like of the last ten years, but it has a lot of pretty close peers, while I feel Baba has very few peers in the last decade.

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It’s fine. Throws enough disaster sci-fi tropes at the wall enough to somehow end up with a flavour of its own.

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I hope that this is as good as Her Story.

I’ve been kind of wanting to play Shattered Memories again, though I imagine that I would still find some of the action parts a little annoying.

I thought Shovel Knight was pretty cool, until the final boss which I just couldn’t do for some reason. Having to redo all the final level to get back to it put me off, and so I never played the expansions either.
I also have minimal nostalgia for the NES, so that aspect didn’t really do much for me either

alterity here with today’s artifact update



This is much, much sadder than my revelation that I am going to play WoW Classic when it releases

Save yourself


yeah play uno


it’s heartening to see valve fail spectacularly at something


I mean, they do it so often


I wish it were spectacular because then they might actually say or do something. Anthem is a spectacular failure; this is a failure of failures. They are no doubt relieved that almost nobody cares anymore because now they can take all the time they want to release the massive Long Haul update that adds tons of content/features and makes everything free except cosmetics and saves the game sit on their asses with their hands behind their heads.


the only reason anthem was a high profile failure while capitalist market simulator 2018 was a low profile failure is because people hate EA and like valve. they mostly hate EA these days for “microtransactions.” Valve IS microtransactions, they literally do nothing else.

anthem will somehow be fine in the long term, I’m sure, because EA will throw hundreds of millions more at it. no one remembers now, but destiny was an utter failure its first few months too. it wasn’t finished. it had no content, it was full of bugs and decisions that exhibited no coherent design principle. the story wasn’t sure if it existed or not. it was the first AAA game to unanimously review poorly. everyone hated it, and then promptly all played it nonstop for a year, paid for the expansion, and cheered when bungie announced the sequel that they had previously announced at the same time they announced the original game. maybe people won’t fall for that shit again, I dunno, but I doubt it.


Also, Artifact was lower profile because it was so unwelcoming that almost everybody who did try it instantly dropped it, so it didn’t even acquire enough space in the culture to become a “high-profile failure”. It would’ve failed regardless of if the card-trading aspect was absent or something different.

Artifact attempted revolutionary changes without a foundation in understanding why the average player enjoys card games in the first place, whereas Anthem, by mindlessly cloning Destiny, also mindlessly cloned many of its fun aspects I would assume.

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All indications are that Valve has also produced many bad games which never saw the light of day. At a minimum, we know about Half-Life 3 and about their VR/AR games. The real oddity about Artifact is that they released it



Destiny feels good to move around and shoot alien dudes and ride a cool jetbike. Anthem feels like doing your homework in the car


I think Artifact is fundamentally an excellent game, and the current audience for it nowhere nearly reflects the potential audience it could have. Sure it is niche, sure it is long & dry & mathy… but it is The Dota Card Game, and that game is vastly more painful and inaccessible yet still maintains one of the biggest audiences in gaming.

To say Artifact is merely a bad game is to dismiss outright the uncountable amount of errors Valve made to alienate damn near everyone who could have loved the game and stuck with it, even those who bought it day one with all the cards (me) and are no longer playing it until Valve actually does something. At this point, there isn’t even a consistent litany of sticking complaints on the subreddit. I will make an effort to itemize, from my view, all the ways Valve fucked up. I will not even be able to collect them all at one go so I’ll probably come back and add to this post (edit: actually fuck that).

— The game should not have had a $20 entry fee. I can (and have) come up with a number of rationalizations for the fee based on what you get for the $20 (packs and tickets and most importantly unlimited free draft play), but I cannot expect anyone to care when every other card game is at least free to try. Even though the people who bought the game quickly dropped it too (due to the other issues I’m getting to), I still think this is the most alienating factor and I have no doubt Valve will remove the upfront cost regardless of whatever else they do, if they ever decide to do anything.

I personally bought the game for two friends who were disinclined from spending $20 to try it, and they were surprised by how fun they found it, but even when you’ve got your foot in the door there’s not much else to look forward to as we move down the list.

— The ticket system. It costs $1 per event ticket which enables you to play the “prized modes”: a run to 5 wins or 2 losses. Win 3 before two losses and you get your ticket back, 4 and you get your ticket and a pack, 5 and you get your ticket and 2 packs. Packs are notionally worth $2 each (their EV is actually much lower now given the severely depressed state of the card market, but whatever) so basically you’re wagering $1 in the hope of earning $4 profit (in the form of cards, which you can sell for Steambux).

I think the option of betting money on your performance is awesome, and Magic: The Gathering players are well used to $15 draft runs every friday night worldwide. The monetization decisions behind Artifact would, at face value, make a lot of sense to Magic: The Gathering players (if we accept the debatable notion that Magic players want to invest in any card game other than Magic). It’s too bad then that Valve made SWEET FUCK-ALL EFFORT to actually make paper Magic players aware of the existence of Artifact, much less to care about it. I had personally embarrassed myself by mentioning Artifact at Friday Night Magic multiple times, and nobody had ever heard of it. I guess Valve just wanted people like me to do it for free.

Anyway, the ticket system and “prized modes” as they are, are so appallingly messaged that they read as a “repeating micro-paywall for ranked play” (strictly speaking there is no ranked play), rather than optionally anteing a dollar on your performance. Valve did everything wrong in messaging this concept and thus inadvertently created the “pay to pay to play” meme that condemned the game. They even called the free mode “Casual” and the paid mode “Expert”, which even they realized (too late) was damagingly stupid and thus renamed them to “Standard” and “Prized” play. I think they could have made this concept work without any functional difference (just for theory’s sake) by not visibly segregating the modes (since “free” and “paid” modes are not any different to play aside from the ante), and instead just offering Constructed and Draft with a non-assuming checkbox beneath called “Ante for Prizes” or something, which does silently split you off into a different matchmaking pool. They needed to have “Free” seem like the default, but they fucked up and made “Paid” seem like the default.

It’s impossible to say whether they were greedy or just deluded. At any rate, the vast majority of the money going into tickets for Prized Play is ultimately exchanged between players. Someone did the math and it appears Valve takes a 10% rake, which isn’t so bad compared to the 100% rake of Hearthstone or whatever, but Valve sure as hell didn’t convince anyone of that.

— Virtually no social features at launch and all they added afterwards was a limited opt-in text chat and emote system. They advertised Artifact as a social-minded game intending to capture the feel of kitchen table Magic, and they totally underdelivered. There is no way to search for communities or publicly-run tournaments within the game; the matchmaking experience is the core of the game and is just as impersonal and asocial as Hearthstone. The customization options for private matches with friends are by far better than any other digital card game, but you will not actually make friends playing Artifact because they fucked up that whole feel (there aren’t even general chat lobbies, whereas in Dota 2 they have per-town regional chat lobbies greeting you on the main page), and the options are lacking in crucial modes such as 1v1 draft play and cube drafting (making a custom draft pool out of the cards you own).

— No hamster wheel bullshit = “no reason to play the game”. The game is severely lacking in psychological blackmail to keep people logging in for Daily Quests and filling up bars and grinding cards at the converted rate of 30 cents an hour. They slapped in a bandaid progression system that you could unlock a few packs and lame avatars with, but nobody cared, especially when it doesn’t have the brilliantly seductive presentation of Hearthstone which has made even me a lifestyle slave to it.

But for real, they should have unlockable cosmetics or something. Or just make all cards free and what’s marketed are the PREMIUM COSMETIC versions of the cards, which you can optionally grind for at that awful rate that people love so much, as Hearthstone has proven.

Hearthstone is not successful because it is a great game (I think it’s pretty good for what it is though, which is how I cope with having spent $1100 and counting on it). Hearthstone is successful because it knows how to keep people hooked, in all the worst but most effective ways. Artifact could have had a more ethical (or at least generous) form of grind-reward maybe, but instead they opted for nothing at all, and thus so many in turn opted not to play the game in favor of those which exploit them better.

With the absence of social features and the absence of a ladder, most people really are left with no reason to play the game. You can’t make friends, you can’t be #1 Ranked Legend, and you can’t even make money off the game anymore (which was, for a time, perceived as the game’s most ironically redeeming feature).

— No communication from Valve. No roadmap. This shit does not fly anymore. People are always willing to leap to the defense of “That’s just how Valve does things”, but they say that in regard to games that already have humble (and free) roots and an airtight fanbase that wouldn’t consider playing another game besides CS:GO or Dota 2 or TF2, no matter what neglect they faced. It will not work for any new and untested Game as a Service. Even Magic: The Gathering’s head designer Mark Rosewater frequently answers any fan’s questions and the rest of the staff publish lengthy blog entries explaining their decisions. Valve are not more privileged than Wizards of the Coast when it comes to card games. Valve needs to Get Real. Also that $1,000,000 first prize tournament they slated for Q1 2019 and big-upped prior to the release of the game is apparently not happening and they haven’t said anything, go figure.


The reason for that post I hope you didn’t read is that Artifact is the worst ever handling of a great game, what could be the greatest game in its genre with a couple of card expansions and a reversal of all their fatally misguided marketing decisions, and I feel like I’ve been privileged to a distinctive vision of Hell by processing it all and subjecting myself to the discourse.

I really fucking wish it were just a bad game, and not a brilliant game mismanaged by smug assholes. I really fucking wish it were so simple and expected as that, so easy to forget about.

Every now and then on Friday I try to go back to Friday Night Magic at the local game shop, and I just can’t do it, I can’t handle the scowling and the mana screw rendering 15% of matches unplayable to either party; it’s such an archaic and overrated game and Artifact just answers all the problems I have with it. And I don’t like football, sorry.