The News Grandmaster 4000

Holy shit, I never would have guessed it’d come to Steam in a million years.

Fuck yes.

Reach firefight!

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What’s that?

It’s the wave-based survival co-op mode in Halo Reach and it just happens to be my favorite.


Sounds neat. Bungie was good at coop stuff back in the day, I at least have to give them that. If that was still Bungie, anyway

I’ll certainly give the Halo series another spin when this comes along

Funny that Microsoft is loosening up on their custom store at the same time everyone else is jumping back to their own store outlets

There’s some sort of time warp around Redmond


It’s not even an Epic store exclusive! That’s the trend right now, get with the times



Mildly bummed out that they ported Reach Firefight and not ODST Firefight (mucho superior) but as long as there’s segregated matchmaking for controller players (which would be me) and they don’t fuck everything up again somehow then this will become my whole life.

edit: I just realized how purpose-defeating it is, from a multiplayer perspective, that they’re doing a per-title rollout and purchase. This means matchmaking will be segregated by ownership more harshly over time and most people will only have Reach (the worst Halo game imo). A major point of the MCC’s vision was to provide mixtape playlists of all the games, to switch between each one fluidly from match to match, and that won’t be feasible now.


Man gonna definitely have to update the vid card. Dammit.

I think they’re releasing it like a live game, and to emphasize the strengths of their subscription service. Their optimal customer profile is probably, ‘subscribes to Xbox Live Gold and participates in Halo multiplayer as it is released’.

Steam release confuses that but it may well be a competing Microsoft push to make PC first-class.

The distance in weapon tuning between Halo 2 (mushy dual wielding and everything is less accurate except the burst rifle) and Reach (DMR cadence feels gorgeous in the hand) alone makes this a head scratcher.


I admittedly never got to play Halo 2 online, but Reach is just DMR: The Game. 343 even worsened that situation by making most playlists start you off with the DMR, and there’s never any reason to not have the DMR. It feels good, but it gets real old, and I played late in the game’s life cycle where half the maps in rotation were Forge World edits and all that gray really wears on you, especially since there’s only 6 maps for 4v4 otherwise (and nobody bought the DLC ones). I could believe that Reach is a better online game than 2 due to general technical improvement, for sure, but we’ll see when they’re both selectable in the MCC.

However, I played both their campaigns, and 2 has much tighter enemy placement and variety in settings, whereas Reach has many pointless first-person cutscenes and much dead space between fights (which also don’t really exploit the full space), and general Infinity Ward-wannabe limpness.

oh geez well don’t play halo 2 online then lol

(I loved halo 2 online but it is even more BR: The Game than Reach was DMR: The Game)

I always got the feeling Halo had trouble reacting to Modern Warfare making the hot new gun accurate, long-range rifles. Halo’s armory is built around the limitations of analog stick auto-aim and by the time they realized expectations of precision feel had moved on they were stuck trying to shift over iconic weapons.

Destiny is absolutely post-Modern Warfare and feels great in the hand because it is built around lovely rifles as the primary weapon.

I doubt that. these games are pretty old. if I recall, this thing has one button press to go back to old visuals, right? that has to help.

If they actually shitcan the game because of this I will be livid, simply livid.

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Probably more likely it will get delayed while they scrub his existence from the game

Does Japan give the same sort of response for other kinds of misconduct or is it unique to drug use?

I can’t imagine that severe a reaction but idk how Japan is with drugs