The News Grandmaster 4000

Could a collection of Nintendo Individuals assemble Good Game under This Name? Unpossible! They need Name for Many Try to build up Big Steam!

Fucked up that gabe newell stole the copyright on building steam from Nintendo and now they can never again have to the tools to develop the Good Gams :frowning:

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Sounds like it was through a live interpreter so there’s probably no record of it. This is why live interpretation is a real difficult tightrope act. The interpreter used the contextually appropriate word “sexist” since that’s what the conversation was about, and it came out with sharp, undiplomatic implications. And this is videogames, now imagine how tough it is to interpret at the UN


i wasn’t saying it was good it’s just that there was literally no way nintendo didn’t end up doing something like this because their internal development processes are A Certain Way

they clearly have no idea what they want to do to and they couldn’t even be bothered to internally develop a remake of one of their own games

like even the idea of the way mp4 was weird because it was just saying Here’s Proof We’ve Got Thing You Like

Please Applaud We’re Giving You The Metroids You Liked Back


Yeah sorry count me as someone who still has faith in Retro, and if Nintendo felt so badly about their progress that they straight up handed over the reins I don’t think there’s some unreleased revelation sitting on a hard drive in Japan.


certainly if a game is canceled but development continues I think it’s almost always that the game wasn’t very good


I can’t believe other m was almost ten years ago


Prime 3 sucked so much

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Counterpoint: Prime 3 was good actually.

counter counter- Prime 3 was super forgettable and the only thing i remember about it was seeing a side by side comparison of Samus’ helmet-less face at the end of all 3 Primes and noticing how worse it got as it went on


I always forget how unbelievably well they made that reveal work in the first one

she looked Right


The Wii controls actually made a first-person game work well.

I had a lot of fun with it.

Therefore, good.

as a long-time Metroid fanatic, I felt Prime 1 was a bit of a disappointment.

Also I thought 2 was the best one. 3 was okay but nothing special

Also this is all just me remembering my responses to each one at the time, because I remember almost nothing from any of them specifically. Maybe I should get that Wii trilogy and replay them.

The controls were tight, agreed, but then they put them in Prime 1 anyway so play that instead
I don’t even think Prime 1 has aged especially well but at least it attempts interesting level design

And who can forget such memorable Prime 3 characters as

Extruded Protoss Meat Product

Zordon from Power Rangers

Completely Unparseable Collection of Acute Angles

The Kid from Julien Donkey Boy Except a Jellyfish


Master Chief’s Dad


Prime 1 is the only memorable game in the series. I actually admire the way the controls work in it. It would not have been as good as a standard twin stick style game. The level design feels like Metroid should, but in 3D. There is a satisfying sense of exploration and discovery. The visor/scanning system broke a lot of new ground for 3D adventure games at the time and was copied by so many games of its era.

Prime 2 had good moments but was so forgettable and generic feeling. It just felt like some random early 2000s action game with the Metroid brand slapped on.


Prime 3 is the game that made me realize that I personally didn’t like point-to-aim controls in an FPS because they make it so you aren’t allowed to rest your pointer hand when you’re not activitely aiming without having your character stare at their feet and spin aound slowly. It gets annoying imo.

I did try to play it in earnest once, but I quit after the opening level for that reason.

Playing the Metroid Prime Collection today is a bit tough when you

  1. Don’t own either the Wii (limited release) or WiiU versions
  2. Don’t own a WiiU to buy it digitally
  3. Don’t have an emulation-capable PC.