The News Grandmaster 4000

BGM is no slouch

I think any given still frame of that clip is enough evidence that its creator cares more about the result more than prob. any one on the planet, give him the name and some advertising and some money to hire some likewise obsessive help and writing staff and weā€™ll for sure get something worthwhile. Who could even care about the tainting of a media property with an inferior followup.

Not as employees, but Sonic Mania should be lighting some butt fires if it hasnā€™t already. If legacy holding firms were smart theyā€™d be wooing these people with the cushiest hands off IP deals possible and reaping the profit rewards for essentially zero effort; todayā€™s Japanese game development complex has nothing to teach the contemporary 2D savant auteur, and would almost certainly not be willing to learn anything from them.

The best thing about Owlboy was how much of an ode to SoM2/Seiken 3 environment tiles it was so yeah


This canā€™t possibly end well. Sonic is a pop song and, like pop, well-suited to slavish covers. I donā€™t think Chrono Trigger is sacred or a revelatory (I mean, itā€™s the pop-fusion of Yuji Horiiā€™s middle-aged fantasy memories and Squareā€™s obsessive production values) but slavish fans are exactly who you donā€™t want attempting to recontextualize and reinterpret these things, as anything with a script this long needs.


I mean, sure, prob. goes without saying, but hard disagree.

Got zero interest in what the industry or disinterested professionals have to think about this kind of shit. The actual people, let alone climate/environment, who made these games are functionally dead and gone and the only thing that remains is their impact and the talent affected by it.

Also, I donā€™t care about rpg writing it is dumb. The golden age of japanese 2d videogames is the work of artists and physics design and rpgs only got one of those.

If you mean the original team is incapable of making a proper sequel even if they reunite, I agree; I think the successful retreads weā€™ve seen lately with the Kickstarter boom and general nostalgia churn have been smaller companies with only key nods.

Iā€™m only standing on my usual rantbox arguing that I canā€™t trust the judgment of someone whoā€™d spend months of their life working on fan art when they have skills to make new and original pieces, and that that judgment, whose lack frustrates me so much in my normal work (if I could give everyone a liberal arts education my god Iā€™d shake that wand so hard) is critical to works of value beyond a certain depth.

Chrono Trigger doesnā€™t have dumb writing! It has comic-book-y breezy writing, and that requires skilled writing and tight focus to pull off.

One thing Iā€™ve come to appreciate recently is how much bad writing in games is attributable to poorly-directed writers, often given the job of making something interesting out of game constraints or vagaries. Give Writers something to bounce off of and you start to get what you pay them for. For example, Witcher 3 is a marvel of tone control and consistency at that budget level and I think most of it is due to how well they could play off Geralt. The Cyberpunk footage we just saw isnā€™t nearly as tight (in fact it looks like theyā€™re trading off GTA clichesā€¦) and I think itā€™s because they donā€™t have an anchor position to drive against.


The Beatles were just the worldā€™s dankest Chuck Berry fan club.

There is only so much money and interest to go around and if thatā€™s what gets a ninja turnt and is more likely to support their good work get 'er done. Whatever gets us some cool looking gameyos that people like to make and have probably been thinking about all of their lives is good is great.


Of course the Beatles were also notable for writing all their own original songs.

I feel bad about the dictates of the market and donā€™t want to pressure people for wanting to survive. And Sonic Mania was great, and much better than anything Sega is capable of producing. And maybe Iā€™m projecting from expectations Iā€™d put on students and the transition Iā€™ve seen people go through from fan->professional but I cherish that professional distance.

Maybe Iā€™m most likely to be wrong in assuming people working on fan projects donā€™t have a professional distance from their target, and theyā€™re able to step back and critically analyze. Maybe the ones who actually make are not the ones nitpicking surface details but are able to look beneath (this is a huge failing of fandoms generally, but maybe itā€™s fair to say fandoms are representative of the proportion of normal people who consume media shallowly).

very true, and a bunch of those were dope ass sequels to Maybellene

like I mean the early mid 90s japan 2d pixel art video game is a particular rockabilly riff chicken pickā€™n hand move and the only guys who have anything interesting to say or do about rockabilly riffs are not any of todayā€™s smartest fingerboard thinkers it is and will forever only be the dude wearing the embarrassing bowling shirts


yeah, that tiny bit of innovation and ownership gets me past all my hangups. Owlboy I can respect (well, for the art) as a piece of craft.

I donā€™t want to police the very thing I spend 200% of my time doing, but this is a weird amount of posturing about knowing Good Design for what turned out to be 15 seconds of Baba Yaga Lucca and Habsburg Magus Jr. managing to show up at nice-looking places


Making an unofficial sequel to someone elseā€™s game is maybe the dumbest thing a person can do.


man I love this forum


iā€™m real curious how thisā€¦existsā€¦in general

and what they mean by f2p

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holy crap

I played that

From reading the website it seems thereā€™s no way to pay them for anything except ā€œIf you donate at least $20 we will tag your character of your choice as a donor to the gameā€.

I guess they donā€™t know what the connotation of ā€œfree to playā€ is.


but no this actually rules and would have completely consumed me in 1997, i think


That map is giving me Feelings. Look how granular and non-orthogonal!

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