After posting the transparent purple GBC in the 1998 thread; I thought, why don’t we have see through controllers for current consoles?
Well Sony is releasing one, along with a very limited PS4 pro.
After posting the transparent purple GBC in the 1998 thread; I thought, why don’t we have see through controllers for current consoles?
Well Sony is releasing one, along with a very limited PS4 pro.
Uhh we’ve had transparent ps4 controllers since last year just in America they are each color exclusive to a specific store.
looks like my enthusiasm for this was very premature
the Urushihara art is like 98% of the appeal of Langrisser, why would they change it
Get ready y’all.
Gonna get all the things!
Yeah, I had to actually buy one in a gamestop to get the clear one (in honor of the first dual shock I ever owned) and that made me sad for the poor person working in gamestop, which is the experience I always have in those stores.
I did some sound effects for this game!
I’m heating up
Time to order the Gunhouse.
“search action” is a very good term i wasn’t aware of
tbh - since detroit or prjcars2, whichever was announced later, i haven’t really been interested in new titles announced for the ps4 (nope, Ace Combat has been announced for years, yeah), and this is the first title in a long time that piques my interest.
have to read a bit more about it, since wanzers remind me of front mission, is this a shared universum kind of game, humm…
last remnant will be delisted from steam on september 4th
Yep it is a Front Mission spinoff not to be confused with that other Front Mission spinoff.
Oh my god
Who are these people making it