The News Grandmaster 4000

Yes it does!


Looks pretty good. Be sure to turn on closed captioning for developer commentary.

This video game looks cool and good.

I thought we would have to wait a decade or so for the grim dark anime reboot of Hyper Light Drifter.

Meanwhile I think the Kickstarter for Radio the Universe actually came first but I haven’t looked that up so don’t @ me

It’s been in development for almost 5 years now, likely on account of it being a one man show, and predates Hyper Light Drifter by some margin. Not that it matters.

Oh my
 Shin Megami V announced for Switch

Tokyo-desert looks very Nocturne and I am excited.

Your images here convinced me to try this game, though I have not played any of the developer’s others. I didn’t really know what I was looking at earlier, but now it’s fun to see how solutions can vary.

I like that the difficulty is not frustrating (at least so far) but that I get to see Steam friends’ scores to let me know that maybe my solution wasn’t as clever as I thought. One thing I haven’t figured out yet is whether it pulls your best ever in each category independently, rather than showing all three scores for your best overall solution.

This is one of a handful of video games that I have supported on Kickstarter. If I remember correctly, I just happened to notice it when I went there for Barkley 2.

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Rose petals? Maybe the dream of a Trauma x SMT mash-up is happening!!


I was wondering if the new SMT game on switch was gonna be main line game. Well, that will be reason enough for me to pick up a switch now.

I actually started playing 4 again not too long ago.

Yeah, those histograms are in most of his games and they’re not explained very well. The game allows you to make multiple solutions and it pulls your best ever independently in each category. I’ve found sometimes cost and area can be optimized in one solution, but cycles often runs contrary to both.

I tend to try for cycles on my puzzles, but I’ll probably go back eventually and try to optimize for the other two.

this is out and about


Well I broke the gif maker in the game for my solution to this one. It finished the level before it had completed one loop, so I had to manually pad my instructions and then use a gif editor to capture the loop correctly!


I think that’s unfortunate, in a way. It seems easy to make a convoluted machine that excels in just one category. Maybe they will eventually add some sort of overall score that considers all three.

I like going back and improving my earlier machines. They sure are mesmerizing to watch when finished. (Sorry if this constitutes a spoiler, but it’s hard to resist sharing the auto-generated GIFs. Maybe this sort of thing belongs in a separate thread.)

I’m not positive, but I think the marble game sometimes creates puzzles that can’t be solved.

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Damn I’ve been waiting so long for this game


And some other games but holy crap BLACK. I was hoping that would be one of them. I just checked and I still have my original disc so I won’t have to rebuy it. I will have to rebuy Crimson Skies (and Dead to Rights, I haven’t decided yet).

I also still have Ninja Gaiden but it’s the original, pre-Ninja Gaiden Black version so I don’t know if it’ll work.

The next batch of OG Xbox games will come out in Spring.

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Sadly, it probably won’t have the soundtrack support that was so vital to my experience of Black, but still.

Hoping SEGA’s catalogue of games is coming soon. Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, OutRun 2006 (or I guess not consider the Ferrari license expiring), Monkey Ball, Shenmue, Otogi
 And if we get one From Software game we might as well also pray for

Would they dare release completely untranslated though? Didn’t stop Nintendo at least with a couple Virtual Console releases.