The Comic Book: The TV Show: The Thread

So wait we’ve already seen the current (Black female) president of the Arrow-verse, but when the Legion of Doom rewrites reality for their evil plots Trump is in there…but also Reverse Flash does invent cold fusion and solve global warming hmm…

This is starting to remind me of comics President Lex Luthor’s generally much more ethical and progressive platform than the current GOP

Also appreciate them straight up building the LOD headquarters from Superfriends on top of STAR Labs


The Black Lightning look from the CW pilot

Batgoggles is all I can see although the rest is pretty alright!

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The Legion finale was more “traditional” than I expected. Sort of.

The first half still felt like they were kind of doing something a little more interesting but is it weird to say that the very propulsive minute where everything happens and they have that anime energy bump would not have been out of place on like Heroes in 2006 except it’s choreographed and shot better? I kind of feel like we didn’t even get a chance to absorb the full emotional weight of David being himself because of all the comic book plot gears turning everywhere. Also I know the tech on this show is kind of playful but digitizing homeboy into a pokeball what in the world


Yeah it felt to me like the finale was saying “ahahaha we tricked you! You’ve been watching a superhero TV show the whole time!”

Which, hey, is fine by me. I do like that sort of thing.

Man, I knew the moment Oliver remembered who Melanie was he was screwed.

Oliver Bird is the best character on the show & it’s not even close

I hope he’s not gone forever

Welp only three weeks til Fargo :slight_smile:

They literally paired up the only two good characters.

Edit: Shadow Queen > Astro Diver, though.

New Warriors/Squirrel Girl show

I guess between this and Cloak & Dagger, Freeform might be trying to build it’s own little weird corner


I was gonna post about hatewatching Iron Fist and then a random search lead me to this, which I had never even heard of before:

And then I’m reminded of how far we’ve come and how even the worst supershows today are much, much better than what we used to get.


I dunno thats at least campy and fun to watch levels of terrible. The worst supers shows nowadays have this underlying blandness that makes them vacillate between boring and irritating

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“We broke time!”

So I guess this’ll​ partition off legends from the rest of the arrowverse for a bit unless they plan on making this a thing on the other shows ala flashpoint.

they really just doing anything huh

imagine now if you will the alternate universe in which there is a 5+ season show about peter parker’s parents

i mean they were secret agents depending on the continuity so sure why not

remember when they were gonna do that whole robin prequel show lol


Respect to 2017 that Cloak shows more chest than Dagger in that clip.

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Emo Barry wtf. Idk I think I’ve burnt out on the DC super operas.

Legends was the best of them this season and I’m still glad they wrapped it up early.

Flash would be a markedly better show if they just stopped with “I have do this alone and not tell anyone” and “Let’s attack the bad guy for a second time with no plan whatsoever”


I reckon some of that is to pad the season out to 22 episodes.

This has been one long ass ticking narrative time bomb and now I just kind of don’t care.

Also, Supergirl’s been pretty good this season I guess but I gave up on Arrow.