“Hope you had fun” lol.
How was Eternal Castle anyways? The presentation looks ace and I have a soft spot for cinematic platformers but I can’t recall hearing any actual impressions of the game.
Horrible on switch. I watched a youtube of 1080p 60fps and went “oh this was the experience I missed out on.”
Kind of better as something in the background that you occasionally focus on for a few minutes as opposed to actually playing it. If I remember correctly it has Its A Metaphor For A Failed Lesbian Relationship
Certainly doesn’t surpass Another World but what will ever?
joke answer: fade to black for ps1
real answer: heart of the alien for sega cd
sorry no they are both joke answers
honestly though another world/out of this world is so brutally difficult that i tend to enjoy similar games about the same amount (flashback, heart of darkness). except for blackthorne. could never get into that one
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