All you really need to know about Robotrek to know it’s worth looking into is that before entering someone’s home, you have to ring the doorbell.


Do you have to ask the NPCs for permission before you take all their potions too?

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not quite (from what I recall), but that does remind me that I think(?) there was a non-polygonal game that required you to push a button before crossing the street. games that teach kids real life safety/manners while also taking them on fantastic adventures are something that makes me happy.


I think I actually dreamed someone calling kirby’s dream course shit the other night and in my sleep I was like “NO WAY”


You know what really makes River City Ransom special? It’s that one store where you can order a smile, and it’s free. And then she smiles, and you go back to the hard choice of really ordering something.


you can also do that in space fantasy zone

there’s a ps1 game i wrote about once (in retro gamer, not online) that i’ve forgotten the name of, but it’s an absurdly in-depth driving sim that uses every button on the ps1 controller for brakes and clutch and indicators and all that stuff.
despite being realistic to a near-unplayable degree, the graphics were bright, colourful and cartoony


OH they referenced this in Wario Land 4! I never got that.

On topic: My favorite unsung (and unmentioned in this thread) SNES games that would actually be reasonable to look at before Saturday include (but are not limited to):

Sparkster, a radical platformer featuring an oppossum knight with a jetpack. My friend introduced this to me just a few weeks ago and it’s something else.

King Arthur’s World, a sort of combo between an RTS and Lemmings. Pretty neat. Speaking of:

Lemmings 2 is a great twist on the Lemmings formula, feature tribes with very different abilities.

Front Mission: Gun Hazard is a side-scrolling mech game kind of like Metal Warriors, except also an RPG. I got most of the way through it, it’s pretty good.

Firepower 2000 is a great co-op game where you can play as a jeep or a helicopter and you shoot stuff Pocky and Rocky style. I think you can run around on foot too which is weird.

Goof Troop is co-op zelda dungeons, lite. It’s fantastic.

Taekwon-Do is, in my memory, a pretty neat fighting game that’s a little more realistic than any other fighting game I’ve played. I had a lot of fun with it.

Troddlers is a puzzle solving game again sort of like Lemmings, but instead of giving them powers you’re an actual creature in the world adding and removing blocks. It does a lot with this concept, and the co-op is also amazing.

That’s enough for now, I could do this all flipping day. I’ve resisted adding super long-payoff games like Bahamut Lagoon, which takes forever to get good.


You should check out Rocket Knight Adventures (a Mega Drive game) sometime! That’s what Sparkster is the sequel to. i havent played Sparkster but RKA is one of the best platformers on the MD imo.


Goof Troop is such a legit couch coop game and worth mentioning (just in case anyone doesn’t know) that it’s the first game by Shinji Mikami.


Oh man, if you can recall the name of that game I’d love to know! Sounds great.

Mind you, there’s a Sparkster on the Genesis as well. And it’s basically a completely different game from the SNES Sparkster. There are many wars as to which is better.

(I’ll just say it’s the Genesis one, because that’s how I do it.)

Well damn I didn’t know that

it’s called kurukuru marumaru!

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SB has looped all the way around to a lively SNES game recommendation thread.

There’s this game called God Hand…

This thread caused a faint memory to stir…

“Smiles” being displayed as a free menu item seems to be a low-key, largely outmoded bit of policy for McDonalds franchises. It certainly seems to be the case that “zero yen smiles” were a thing in Japanese McDonalds restaurants before the turn of the century, but they had been mostly phased out by 2015, when it was announced they would be coming back - part of a goodwill-generation campaign after a number of scandals damaged customer confidence. News stories about that announcement make searching for more on the original policy a bit difficult, at least before filtering by date.

This would explain it being in Weponalds (Space Fantasy Zone), as well as the two fast food restaurants in River City Ransom (which appear to have no differentiation in the original Japanese version, although I haven’t confirmed this). Being referenced in Wario Land 4’s item shop is a bit more enigmatic, but likely the same intended homage.

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Wait till they find out about this little game called ~Demon’s Souls~!

Demon’s Crest.

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I spent some time with this having never heard of it before. Cool looking. Played through the first dungeon. It felt thin; the pea shooter gun and the ways the enemies react to it and move in general unsatisfying. Has charm. I could see it being worthwhile to a feller in a chicken soup mode.

The 5th entry in this series on the snes, The Great Battle V, is a low rent Wild Guns starring anime babies.

Hashire Hebereke is an isometric footrace game starring animal anime babies.


The last video game my older sister ever played seriously was Stunt Race FX.

Not the worst swan song, I suppose.

I remember the obstacle course levels in that game being amazing but basically unplayable with the frame rate and the viewport