“Polyrhythm” is a vaguely defined term anyway, it pretty much means whatever you think it means
yeah polyrhythm can mean “three over two into one beat” but it can also mean “three over two but only when you’re feeling both meters simultaneously and separately” and blah blah who care
bla blah
I’ve been sitting on this track for weeks now because I felt like I could do a better performance of it but all my newer performances were not as good!! and i really actually like this track now. I think it’s really, really good.
track title stolen from @miffy
i’ve got one more track I’m sitting on that will probably go up soon, and one more track I need to listen to about 15 times to decide which take I want out of the 3 good ones I got. That would give me 8 tracks for the new album. My goal is 10. We’ll see if I can make 2 more tracks I am happy with.
Oh and this time the track art is not AI generated, on principal. I took a random icon from open game art and destroyed it in paint.net.
this rules
not really music but
second part of this series is going up tomorrow and i realized i forgot to post the first one here
It’s February so I’m doing the thing that gets me to actually record solo stuff rather than just screwing around for my own amusement.
Had a bit of a false start yesterday when I was trying to go out of my comfort zone and build a drum track. Eventually gave up on that and got back to the security of weird synth howls.
I haven’t trimmed any of the recordings yet but here’s what the set up turned into after a day of throwing stuff at the wall and swapping out things that weren’t playing nicely.
It’s nearly the end of the month. I spend the day going through recordings. I think I have the issue of most of it being pretty good but there’s no wild standout like there was last year to hang everything on.
have a 30 minute mix on my friends radio show airing 15:00 GMT / 11:00 EST today at https://wired.radio/ will b on soundcloud after as well
Flashback to 2007 when helping a friend with her cosmetology school assignment turned into recording a whole EP in one evening about bad things that can happen to finger and toe nails.
I performed the first track live on guitar in front of a bunch of strangers a couple years back as part of a benefit for refugees at a classy club where former Motown studio musicians usually play. Our set was otherwise made up of noisecore songs were wrote in like 2002 on garbage picked instruments so I think it appropriately mixed things up.
The cover art is gross so I’m spoilering it
double B side of NewJeans edits
&& some computer music
hell yeah @dedede69
been on a newjeans kick for a minute, definitely have cookie and omg on my rollerskating playlist
i’m just putting breaks on every trance wip i have and it all sounds too good to be true someone help
are they better than idk papua new guinea
This isn’t actual music mostly just messing around with pads available in Chipsynth SFC but all going at once. I need to get an actual MIDI keyboard in order to do anything serious because the laptop keyboard beeps at me any time I have more than a few keys pressed down at once. I don’t depress my left hand from the keys until I’m ready to move to the next set of keys so if my right hand is inputting too many additional keys it fucking beeps at me and throws me off and janks up my input. But at least I can fuck around with the Link to the Past harp.
this kicks ass