The Government Knows
(big end of Matrix 1 vibes)
The Government Knows
(big end of Matrix 1 vibes)
very much the inspiration when we recorded that haha
while working on the next techno live set i somehow remembered that i have a 1010music blackbox and suddenly all of the things i want to do with like, fills and buildups and big soundscape beds are possible
finally got to watch this, this is nice to hear partially because every music youtuber i’ve watched jumps straight to stuff that’s way over my head. i am not a very intellectual person!! i don’t want to study or think harder than necessary!!!
but i am definitely a very “i want to evoke a feeling” person and i love the idea of structuring it like this. i’m going to think about what inspires me and make some decks, I think.
thank you for saying this! i was kind of nervous to put it up and it definitely did not do well views-wise but i feel like music youtube is like 75% “they sent me the product for free but have no say in the final review” gear advertisement, 20% music theory and barely any time gets spent on how to foster creativity and iterate on aesthetic so i felt like i had to make it
everyone is creative all the time! but we don’t talk about it most of the time because the only way we’ve figured out how to transmit creativity is through The Market and that sucks
hope y’all got the album while it was free because now you’ll have to pay a whole dollar to get this:
BUT it now includes a link to the Bespoke files if you’re interested in messing around with them. I mean, honestly just DM me if you want 'em and I’ll send the link anyway, but you can also pay for them if you want.
Put this track together today after a number of false starts in the past couple of weeks. This is probably the most complex bespoke module I’ve put together but it’s actually a fairly straightforward track. I think it kicks ass - the closest to a dance track I’ve put together yet.
I’ve got 5 songs that would definitely work on an album now, and 2 songs that I need to figure out how to perform if that makes sense. I’ve got 4 WIPs that I’m not sure will go anywhere or not. But I’m really proud of what I have right now!!
actually recorded the set i played recently
this is one in which two people asked me if i took requests
i also couldn’t hear myself basically at all so i’m kind of astonished at how good it turned out for me just barely being able to hear what i was doing
sorry if you wanted to listen to that mix any more! I had to take it down to upload this because of soundcloud’s upload limit but if you want a copy let me know and I’ll send it over
here’s my attempt at ambient using the 1010music lemondrop
my Terrier X band mates and i have another project, a much more hardcore band that just released a tape
my band has a single out today, and I even still kinda like it. wow!
a song I wrote in like 2016 is out today
time flies like an arrow!
I like how melancholy this is
small live thing
wow!! love this
short live track (edit: second version lol)