ok so it was just the mist raven place

Yep, constant run did the trick, nice one
Christ on a bike what a crummy boss

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The no-hit-no-death all stealth runs of this are going to look absolutely wild

I enjoy the stealth a lot. The replaying large chunks of the levels not so much. Still haven’t bounced off but I don’t know, I’m swinging back and forth between having a good time and not so much. It is an intriguing game though no doubt

it is very ps2


i think the game has finally clicked with me, and i’ve got the hang of things


you can dodge forward over the flames and avoid hits.

if you get it in a corner it’ll kind of flail around not hitting you but just pushing you in a circle. A good time to get a bunch of free hits and drop a firecracker for even more free hits.

Sekiro is the gaming equivalent of asking someone to eat a BBQ chicken breast using a fork and knife while not dropping any sauce on your shirt.

Dark Souls didn’t mind if you ate with your hands so long as you enjoyed the food.

I am enjoying Sekiro quite a bit but there’s a lot of “git gud” in this game.


Oh it’s Metal Gear Rising. Thank you.

i was literally about to make a post making this point, but yeah you’re right. sekiro is the metal gear rising of dark souls.


I feel pretty much exactly the opposite!

this game lets me play so sloppy!

Also I feel like I can continue to suck at this game and its not punishing me for it the way bloodborne liked to.


You have any gameplay I can study? You seem to be blowing through the game with relative ease. Much like fighting games, I think certain people just click with them more than others? Sure, a lot of top notch FGC folks practice a ton but they also seem to be genetically predisposed to being good at King of Fighters or whatever. Maybe you hit the genetic lottery Tulpa and you own at Sekiro!

Unfortunately no. But, unlike souls games you are both much more mobile than your opponents and able to hide from them even if you’ve already alerted them. Just move hiding spots instead of just staying in tall grass or whatever. If they investigate where they last saw you but you’re already on the other side of the arena, they’ll lose track of you.

Also use the undying guy at the dilapidated shrine to practice every combat thing. His tutorials are more extensive than they seem at first

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Oh and if you’re finding the game just generally too attrition heavy, get the Breath of Life: Light skill asap


it can still be frustrating but playing this I feel a little more like how everyone else talks about playing souls games. and if I’m losing it’s not because I picked the wrong starting class for my first time playing, or I’m using the wrong weapon, or I haven’t put points into vitality, or I lost too many souls, or I didn’t go find some ring hidden behind a wall way back somewhere, I just need to counter better. with the bonus that moving around doesn’t feel like weighted jankass.


There has only been one skill check ‘you must be this good at deflecting to pass’ encounter so far, and it was an optional miniboss 3 feet away from a sculptor’s idol, and it takes maybe 30 seconds to beat them once you get used to their pattern. Everything else? There’s multiple ways to approach it. I beat Lady Butterfly by guarding nonstop, interrupting their aerial attacks with well timed shuriken throws (which have a very forgiving timing window) and punishing with ichimonji (which builds up tons of posture + vitality damage on enemies while clearing most of the posture damage you’ve accumulated)

I think most people just got good at deflecting. I came up with another solution that turned out to work faster than the basic deflect-centric strat.

Every major fight so far has had this kind of like ‘make your own strategy’ approach to it. I checked some boss fight vids of bosses I already fought and it was all ‘just keep deflecting good’ and I feel like that encourages a more conservative ‘git gud’ playstyle than is really necessary


oh yeah no i’m siding with tulpa here, my playstyle is agressive and sloppy and filled woth tons of just hoping for the best and not even bothering with distracting people or anything. it lets you get away with a lot

and i actually wanna say yeah, i also agree with the gameplay videos affording a far too conservative approach. go nuts. kill a guy next to his buddy and fling yourself over while he’s alerted to kill someone by a different house, save the thing mei ling at a statue and run into a brick wall instead of dying with little punishment.


Gam looks cool

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i learned how to mikkiri and i’ve been practicing a ton with the dummy and i’m having a really hard time identifying which of the three critical attacks they’re about to do, and then choosing the appropriate response. the mikkiri is extra tricky because i have to reach over to circle which feels odd to my thumb for some reason.

it’s slow going for me, i just got through the first phase of memory of ashina castle and found two prosthetic tools, but i tend to take longer than most with every game i play, especially games like this that tend to reward careful examination of the environment. the movement abilities wolf has add a whole new layer of things to think about and look out for.