SB game idea megathread

i had a bunch of fun with forza horizon’s tweaking menus recently so i’m well up for that

hang on a sec

isn’t that OS/2




this tumblr post makes me think: emoji the incredible machine


This reminds me of a dream i had where some chat app added a feature to have emoji wars similar to this, and you could build up a combo chain that would make the emoji graphics change to become more elaborate, eventually leading to some final fantasy summon-style cutscene finishers


dialog system where u interact w characters to bring up a text box but you dont have to do it in conversation order. you can just, cycle thru each one independently. there’s a bug that crawls across the screen toward whichever character you’re meant to interact w/ next (progrss by cycling to the necessary textbox?), so you make an active mental effort to progress convos (you can ofc interact w other objects bringing up more disarrayed text boxes in the middle of convos). there’s a scene where instead of a cutscene playing you have to progress thru a corridor & actively bring up abstract visual elements or text boxes, but you can also go backwards & make the guy say the stuff backwards. also you can do things out of sequence like going into a phone booth and triggering a scene where you call a dentist b4 you’ve gotten the information that you need to call a dentist. (for some reason the idea of a scene at a dentist’s office seems important??). tarotica voo doo meets the therapist scenes from Phantasmagoria 2


“PSX racing game” that combines the story RPG elements of Racing Lagoon but with the racing mechanics and cars of something like Ridge Racer Type 4.


“marvel vs dc fighting game” isn’t much of an idea, but: it’s a 2v2 game and when you 1cc arcade mode with certain teams, you unlock their counterpart from the amalgam universe


high school RPG/puzzler/dating sim where you punch up drafts of sapphic love poems in the bathroom


ok this idea is terrible, but it just came to me. one of those 00s virtual world/avatar chat things like gaia or imvu or whatever, but it’s on a handheld console.
the gimmick is that it’s a physical cartridge release only, and comes in two versions like a pokemon game. each of the versions only contains clothes in one subculture style, but you can trade between them


pokemon but clothes is a very good idea


dash yarou 99

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In FFXIV there is a PVP mode where the objective is for one team to push the crystal into the opposite team’s base, and whoever gets closer by time over wins. If one team is behind, but in control of the crystal at time then Overtime starts, and doesn’t end until the controlling team pushes further, or control of the crystal is lost. Theoretically Overtime can last indefinitely.

Overtime could instead last a set amount of time before being decided, potentially with time added to the clock based on events like KOs or blocking the crystal for a certain amount of time, but players would debate every single value and event. I propose that Overtime could instead be replaced by Rabbit Time. Rabbit Time functions identically to Overtime, but it’s a rabbit who decides to add more time to the clock or not. This way players will let their frustration out on the rabbit, instead of on the developers.

They could also sell merch of the time rabbit.


roguelike with traditional RE-style fixed camera angles


rpg where instead of rolling a d20, you can use each number from 1-20 once, and they don’t replenish until you’ve used them all


damn that is a great idea

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outrun but on the pc-fx, looking like this



like a dragon live service game

basically just an endless rgg experience. periodically add minigames, new cities, new long battles, co-op raids, hangout spaces that harken back to phantasy star online, etc. a new 15-30 hour story every season. shit like that.

like a dragon fantasy spinoff game

turn based fantasy spinoff game. i just wanna see dark knight nishiki and red mage akiyama


gta 2 combined with city shrouded in shadow. perform various violent criminal missions in a top-down open world city that’s also under attack from a giant monster

the gta 1 and 2 format has a lot of potential that never got realised since gta 3 jangled its keys in front of everyone’s faces


Something like if snowball bros was an rpg, like a series of lil scenes and scenarios that each take place within the one screen…single screen platformers but as an rpg…