Yeah, the goal is a glitchy, Gary’s Modded mess of dynamically stolen assets tailored just to you. Maybe you can remix the music and voice files? Stuff like that.
Random scenes from my “Liber” video game series: Peter being entertained at a white-tie party by cannibals, Alternate Ending in which anti-natalist villain Emett succeeds in killing all humans, and beginning of the first game, Liber Desperatio: Invincible Death Laser!
Sega Game where Alis Landale, Alex Kidd and Opa Opa go on an intergalactic journey to solve various space mysteries. The game will have two versions, a Japanese and International version. The only difference besides language is that in the International version all food is replaced with hamburgers.
an anti-gamer game borrowing heavily from xenofeminist theory and #alt-woke called ‘space invader’
you play as the alien and eat people at e3??
persona 6: trainspotting
one of those big open world action rpgs like new vegas or whatever would be one where if your character dies, they’re permanently dead. but! you a new character in the world they left behind, but like maybe a month has passed since their death. like, if they had strong bonds or grudges with any npcs, those npcs will talk about them, and any large-scale stuff they did, like saving a small town or destroying large buildings or whatever still happened.
if your original character died alone in the middle of nowhere, maybe people would still be looking for them, too.
and then if your new character dies, then you start another new character in that world, and so on.
buddy have I got exciting news for you
Forged in Battle: a versus fighter pitting a grimdark blacksmith against anthopomorphised ingots & billets who spit sparks, slag, and temperature drops. As their health drops their shape changes until become a finished work (and are defeated). Bellows for ranges projectile attacks, anvil for throws.
Ok I will.
The most fun part of bethesda games is loading up a ton of mods, getting them all working and playing for about 5 minutes before losing interest. So a game that simulates that activity: dealing with load orders, ini editing, texture validation, etc etc. All that extremely compelling busy work. We can leave out the “game” you’re supposedly modding altogether. Try to maintain a reasonable fps and loading times while multiplying the theoretical fun of the open world game.
Sometimes certain combos of mods will glitch in ways that increase fun, a la touch the skyrim
maybe it’s contextualized as an LSD: Dream Simulator sequel
Eat a combination of foods, in orders and quantities, to influence your dreams
drugs if you swing that way
cheeses if you’re british
All I know is if I load up on manchego before stilton my dreams have HD textures
Essentially I am describing a tableau building game with an eccentric theme
An RPG with an astrology-based magical affinity system. If perchance you want to change your alignment, you must travel back in time and change the date of your character’s birth. A bunch of your character’s other characteristics may randomly change as well, but hey at least you’re now proficient in water magic.
combination of orgeon trail/FTL and a virtual pet game like viva pinata or neko atsume where you’re riding a space whale and you have to attract the right animals onto the space whale for maximum symbiosis
Fuck that is a good idea.
a really awful altright-baiting meme game with a bitcoin miner and a RAT in it
i make a documentary out of the webcam footage i receive from players
Exactly what it sounds like. Just Heroes of the Storm but with Nintendo characters instead of Blizzard ones.
Battle Royale Tycoon
It’s Fortnite, but you play as Epic.
Street Fighter: PBEM
alt. title: Dueling TAS Edition. A Street Fighter match is played entirely using frame advance.
I am imagining a battle royal mode in the South Park 64 engine where the only available weapon is the cow cannon