Alternatively, it would also be a pretty interesting picture 20 years ago


The first 20 minutes of RE4 might be the best vertical slice of gaming of all time.

Iā€™m not actually a huge fan of the game but Iā€™ll give it that at least.

Thatā€™s what makes it great in my opinion and the transition to 3d environments works well; some areas feel like roaming around cute dioramas.

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Certainly youā€™re right that the first act is the best, but those later acts arenā€™t quite as bad as youā€™re remembering.

Still, in the same way Iā€™m comfortable calling PT the best horror game of all time and loving my island of misfit games Iā€™m comfortable calling RE4 one of the best action games ever made. Act 1 is a game enough.

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buy a PSVR and play 7

I fully intend on cringe-binging my way through RE6 and I honestly expect to come out the other end screaming about how underrated it is


re 6 must at least be admired for its sheer breadth and variety in setting and commitment to gonzo set-pieces. creating four lengthy separate campaigns, all poorly designed around the movement and attack capabilities of the characters in unique ways, is quite an achievement.


I sat on 7 for two years waiting for PC VR but they dropped it; started it 8 months ago, am fairly impressed, but itā€™s not a comfortable aesthetic for me to be in the way other horror scenes have that comfort/repulsion swing going on, so for that alone I can appreciate it from a distance.

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It seems silly to criticize RE4 for starting strong and trailing off and giving 7 a pass on that

maybe but Iā€™m like three and a half hours into 7 and still absolutely adoring it and every single setpiece is immediately memorable, whereas my memory of hours two through four of 4 is being like ā€œuh alright so I have to find the third bauble for this beer stein before I sell it? I wonder if thatā€™s missable? oh another QTE, okā€

itā€™s entirely likely Iā€™m too impressed by the VR but that should still be counted in its favour!


Iā€™ve only played 4 and about 10 minutes of 6. I own Revelations 2 I think maybe Iā€™ll give that a go at some point.

I could sure as hell jump into a play-through of 4 again without much prodding.




In 1998, George A. Romero produced a trailer for the original Resident Evil 2. 21 years later, we give you a RE2 Remake live-action trailer inspired by his work!


Yeah, RE6 Campaigns are an utter mess of design, tone and narrative flow but man is it such a video game. When you think about it, the transitions between settings shouldnā€™t work but the first time through when you are in it you donā€™t really think about it and it kinda works. At least Leonā€™s is probably the best as you go from college campus to city to an underground tomb that feels like a fun B movie that had a location budget to burn. Itā€™s a heck of a video game that does a good job of being a dumb movie with out actually trying to be a movie.

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I was looking forward to this so much and then suddenly stuff came up and I had to spend almost all the money Iā€™d saved up. I rate this game a 0/10 for disappointing me like that.


never really played these games but watched a letā€™s play of RE2 recently and in love with the ā€œPolice Secretaryā€™s Diaryā€ or whatever itā€™s called.
Day 1 - I saw Police Chief come in today. He was holding a Golden Hand, with a face in the palm. It looks like something fits into the faceā€¦ How does he afford this stuff on his salary?!
Day 2 - Police Chief came by holding a painting of three owls plunging a sword into a naked woman. The expression on his face was so awful I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever forget it!
Day 3 - I was polishing some of the gems Police Chief keeps around his cave and suddenly he came in and threatened to murder me!! He told me to never ever touch the colour-coded gems beneath the big statue. What the heck! Well, only 57 more days until Iā€™m eligible for health insurance!

I would read an entire prose tome just describing Police Chief bringing home elaborate symbolic wood carvings each day while wearing an indescribable, horrifying expression. A Rebours II: His Law.