This one is a good post-war San Francisco private detective mystery visual (ish) novel
Exxos sounds pretty swell.
I make no claims as to the quality or lack there of for these games (well okay, that anime girl or bottle? one I did), just that there names stuck out in a certain way.
- Choice of the Vampire: The Fall of Memphis
- Ski Hard: Lorsbruck 1978
- Dungreed
- Flying Turkey
- Math Tile
- Love or Loved - A Bullet For My Valentine
Another week, another week of game names
- Miss Fisher and the Deathly Maze
- Amaranthine Voyage: The Shadow of Torment
- Masplado
- Harmless Skeleton
- Redemption: Tyranny of Daetorem
- Hyperbolic Ignition
- Pursuing Susie
- Blood Waves
- Proletarian Budget Survival
- A Boy and His Beard
- I Misteri di Maggia
No lie, a number of years back I was walking through a wooded area connected to a nearby park that had several branching paths through it and briefly pondered how tricky it would be to make a Myst-like out of it if I took enough pictures. Turns out some guys in Switzerland had the same idea and did it with his own town. Now 14 years later it gets a Steam release and is free. No lie, I find that to be pretty awesome.
Good titles this week!
- Ben and Ed - Blood Party
- Space Stories: Darth Star
- Balloonatics
- Clergyman
- Aidsmoji: The Forbidden Fruit
- San Matias - Mafia City
- Moon Bullet
- Survivors of Borridor
- Space Invaders Extreme
- The Fall Part 2: Unbound
Double wait!
Okay, that’s kinda weird but yeah, I’m down.
The Fall part 2: Can’t Get Up
- Danse Macabre: Deadly Deception
- The Void Rains Upon Her Heart
- Just a Jumping Square
- Super Goribei
- 7 Soccer: a sci-fi soccer tale
- Border of her Heart
- Qubika
- Speed Dating for Ghosts
Another day where I try to decide which game description I like best.
Super Goribei is a retro style platformer with a small comic-book like story. All original pixel art made by the Dev. Tyler Kingsbury self proclaimed Artist and is bracking in to the gaming scene with this Mario copy. It’s some what hard but you’ll have so much fun getting to the goal.
self proclaimed Artist
this Mario Copy
Way to sell me on your game, Tyler Kingsbury
God look at this art though’
-You can help inprove on the game by giveing inpot
hundreds/thousands of person-hours of work and a $100 entrance fee
and half these can’t seem to get someone to proofread the bare 2 paragraphs the world sees
Some are just too busy making art to bother with trifling matters such as spelling.
- Let’s be architects
- Monkey Slap
- PooPee Wars
- Nogibator: Way Of Legs
- Alien Food Frenzy
Nogibator: Way Of Legs is the one that caught my attention today. Unfortunately the game and game description are only in russian, and the google translation isn’t helpful (although it gave me the line “And the devil takes care of him, maybe he’s curious just that it’s so guarded that pop bell tower. Well, in general, we’ll see in the game who’s who!” so I shouldn’t complain) so I’ll just have to judge this based entirely on this screenshot.
…I approve.
- Need For Gowna
- Pan-Dimensional Conga Combat
- Bad Government
- Canek: Quest for Corn [Beta]
- Chickens Madness
- In Celebration of Violence
- Christmas at Morleyville Mall
I have no interesting screenshots or game descriptions this time, was not a bumper crop. Instead I will just bitch about the new Steam wishlists: they are bad.
Really? I think they are far better than the previous ones.
Like, sorting and filtering? woohoo, welcome to 2010, Valve!
Seriously, though. Built in sorting and filtering, plus you can see screenshots of the game by hovering over the cover.
Scathing review quote right here.
Yeah I also endorse the new Steam wishlists
I had my massive wish list ordered as I liked it and the new version shuffled it all to hell with (initially) no way to easily re-order them aside from moving an entry up or down 3 spots, scrolling the screen then doing it again. Fortunately sometime during the first day they started letting you type in a number to shuffle the order much quicker, which helps a lot. I no longer hate it.
That said each listing now takes up more screen real estate so I can see less of my list at a given time than I could before, so I still prefer the old version.
Here is the current wishlist:
Here is the general new release list:
Here is the see all skinny/full list:
So yeah, keep the nice sorting and filtering options but give me a skinny display option so I can actually see a decent portion of my list.
Ah, that’s fair enough. My list kept its order so I didn’t have that issue.
At least as far as I know. I have 700+ games on wishlist, I only care about the ordering of the top 15 or so.
I really appreciate being able to quickly check screenshots right there though, for those “what was this game again?” moments
I have this moment so often with my Steam wish list that I wonder if I should just take that as a cue to delete, especially given the depth of my backlog of owned games (vs 0wn3d games)
I keep a txt file on my desktop of games I need to get one day and the thought of putting it in some publicly viewable online repository is repulsive for reasons I’m too lazy to analyze.
Yes, that sounds like a healthy thing to do.
I half-assedly prune the wishlist every now and then. Sometimes I delete a couple of games I’m no longer interested in, but mostly I still fall back to “oh, yeah, this might be interesting to play some day” and keep it.
A good chunk of the games I have there fall into this limbo of interesting enough to check out, but not compelling enough to buy (sometimes, even on sale!). There’s also the factor of available time, etc.
Since instituting a rule that I can only buy games I will play that day, I just kind of stopped having a backlog. It’s nice!