There’s no need for “gatekeeping” but there’s a need for curation. And I think it makes perfect sense in theory to have a different institution/community performing curation than the distribution network. The problem is that nobody is really performing the curation function at all, because there aren’t really incentives to do the effort. I briefly followed a twitter bot listing all new Steam games and it’s totally overwhelming, it would need to be someone’s job. But e.g. videogame journalists mostly just review games that people are already interested in for whatever reason (either marketing budget or social media influencer support, as I see it).
I feel like in this arrangement, a lot of good/notable games are probably getting released without anybody noticing at all. iOS/Android has the same problem and I don’t blame Valve for it, but I’m wondering how we as an entire game community could do better.
I have that achievement. I bought the game and then spent 4 days working with the developer to get it running right. They pushed an update just for me!
I know Rock Paper Shotgun has a weekly column where they pick 5 random weekly Steam releases that seem worthwhile. It comes down to the whims of a single person, but it is a thing that I am glad exists.
This game has a great premise and then totally fucks up. The idea is that Laika, the dog the soviets launched into space, became hyper intelligent and was even able to return to earth. They decide to create a whole space station filled with dogs to study this effect more. The dogs rebel and take over the space station.
The fucked up part is that you, as a human, have to go to the station and
I have a soft spot for Laika the space dog as I read a comic entitled The Manhattan Projects a few years back (basic concept being that the Manhattan Project was a front for all sorts of absurd sci-fi ideas, both the US and Russians were secretly allies and the team was made up of the greatest scientists from both nations) that wasn’t as great as I hoped it’d be, but I thought Yuri Gagarin and an intelligent talking Laika were perhaps the only likable characters of the bunch. No way I’m shooting Laika.
Today’s games
Rosebaker’s Icy Treats
Object “Cleaning”
Choices, The Game
Attack On Kitten
Bloody Skyscraper
We can’t get through the zombies
I am torn over which game description I like best today. From Monjarmageddon:
vs. Choices, The Game:
I’m gonna cheat and go with Choices, The Game because of the high quality graphics
…yeah, pretty much that. The achievements hint at some sort of transsexual twist (mechanical or otherwise) at some point so I’m sure it will be handled in a mature manner.