Why isn’t Last of Us 2 on PC. I can’t imagine that any “PS4/PS5” game doesn’t run like ass on a PS4
I’m sure it will come. It’s also not on PS5, technically. I expect a souped up remaster or bundle with that multiplayer game in time for season 2 of the show.
Google lied to me. Again
You can play the PS4 version on PS5.
They just ported the first game to PC. Presumably they wanted to put story 1 out in its shiny new version for the PC audience before doing story 2. It didn’t go well (split vs. unified memory architecture, thread balancing issues) and Naughty Dog has months and months of rearchitecting to go before they can call that project done and port the second.
I’m guessing game 2 on PC is maybe a year out? If they can steal time from Sony’s in-house PC port studio to fix one of their crown jewels they might be able to stick to their original schedule, else they lost at least 6 months.
It was seems like real good timing with the show, anyway.
I bet that was the plan, get the remake out just before the show, the show, the PC port just after the show, things just didn’t work out.
Insomniac’s been beating the ‘good production, good balance’ drum for 10 years now and we’re far past the point where you need incredibly tight production just to ship anything in a reasonable time frame. At the same time, as the most clockwork Sony-style studio, Insomniac product is also the most Ubisoft-like…
ahh I forgot the PC port didn’t come out the same time as the remaster did on PS5. I see your point!
Is there no nonsense no fat no bullshit webcam software available for download in 2023? Just an app that lets you send someone video over the net from a webcam.
I was surprised it ran fine on my pc, must be so old it avoided all the bugs
how can the UK block the microsoft aquisition of blizzard activision? like … they aren’t uk companies (or… do they have uk bits or something?)
Google didn’t find me a direct answer to this and I have no actual idea how this stuff works. “My guess though” (note: famous last words; probably really wrong) is that while technically it only blocks the merger in the UK–I THINK; I didn’t find anything saying it would block the merger in other countries; various articles noted other counties in which the merger has already been approved–effectively losing the UK market would cut into their profit margins sufficiently to make the whole deal much less of a good deal for all concerned.
And yes they both have UK subsidiaries; those would probably have to be closed as trying to maintain them as separate legal entities would be a huge headache.
Oh, they would also effectively lose access to UK game developers. The UK has had an extensive game development industry since at least the 8-bit era microcomputer era; the country punches way above its weight when it comes to making games, particularly for English-speaking markets. Losing access to those development teams would be a significant blow.
Heck, just in terms of actual incorporated game dev studios they own themselves, Xbox Game Studios has at least three in the UK–Ninja Theory, Playground Games, and Rare–and Activision has at least two–Sledgehammer Games, and a studio in Warrington.
And I suspect the UK also carries disproportionately significant weight when it comes to games marketing and commentary to English-speaking audiences–think of all the YouTube videos and Twitch steams with UK accents, for instance.
Also, nothing happens in a vacuum, and with the merger still facing legal challenges to approval in the US and EU, having it actually blocked by a significant international ally is not going to help their cases elsewhere.
Best ways to get back buttons for PC controller gaming? Specifically this is for Armored Core. Dualshock 4 backbuttons attachments are <$30 but also they’re for Dualshock 4…
Edit: i think what I’m looking for is a hall effect controller with paddles that can play on at least PS4 but also probably PS5
Double edit: this looks like the business
i believe there are currently exactly 0 options for hall effect joysticks that are also compatible with PS5 games
GuliKit is making DualSense Edge Hall Effect modules, but you’re looking at something like 240 USD minimum all told, and those modules aren’t even on the market yet.
if you don’t need actual PS5 support there are more options, e.g. Sonicon PS4 Wireless Controller Plus Edition, No Drift Hall Effect Sen – Game Gear
edit: the one you linked is definitely not PS5-game-compatible
double edit: oh right you need back buttons as well - only PS5 controllers with back buttons are the aforementioned DS Edge, some Scuf models, and some modded OEM ones (all of the above: not cheap)
triple edit: if you don’t need PS4/PS5 support, the 8BitDo you linked is by far the most cost-effective option on the market. i don’t think it works for even PS4, tho (not 100% sure but they don’t advertise support for it anywhere that I can see)
This madman’s generic Hall Effect mod seems to be progressing better than it probably has a right to
does Actraiser Renaissance suck?
Does Actraiser 2 suck?
Does Raising Cane’s suck?
it doesn’t suck but it is categorically inferior to the establishment it wholesale ripped off, Guthrie’s