First time I played it I thought there were way too many but replaying it a few months ago there’s way less than I remember? (at least the capital B, Bad ones at least). Would be nice if they had more of a budget for everything after Year Two.
i love it dearly but just walkthrough when you get stuck unless you can astral-project into tim schafer’s mind palace (and i understand this may be the appeal for some)
i played it in 2015 and it boggles the mind that it came out the same year as MGS
yes pentiment the dig gabriel knight 2 and blade runner all kick ass
Seconding Blade Runner, Gabriel Knight 2, Loom, Broken Sword (better than the remastered version).
Add also:
Gabriel Knight 1 (much better than the remake)
I have no mouth and I must scream
Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis
The longest journey (and if you like it, stop there and do not consider the follow-ups)
I haven’t played it, but The Dark Eye should be also playable and it seems super interesting.
I refuse to let you have that title when you told me I played The Dig too many times.

it’s a pretty good story but I don’t think it ever gets enough credit for how psychotically bad it’s puzzles are though
I always make sure to say this when people bring up Grim Fandango! The Puzzles Matter

The longest journey
This isn’t in scummvm is it? If it is they’ve really expanded it since the last time I’ve used it. Which was a long time ago.
cuba you can run crusader no remorse/regret in scummvm nowadays

I’m also the world’s only The Dig fan
I had a framed movie sized poster of a high res scan of some The Dig 2 promo art up for an embarrassingly long time
Quick question in case anyone knows the answer: I’ve played two games in a row where several times the written dialogue on the screen is different than what the voice acting says. First was Steins;Gate 0 where whenever some english popped up in the original japanese (voices aren’t dubbed) the translated text frequently made different choices, my favorite being the several dozen times a character says momma while the text writes mommy. Then there is Rhythm Thief where there is rarely any voices, but on the rare occasion there is some there is a 25% chance it says something different than what the text shows.
Is there just no crossover behind the text and voice work departments, and in the case of the latter did they legit have two different groups localize the game and never check to see if they matched up? That sounds dumb, but perhaps it is dumb in the exact way things end up being sometimes?
I honestly didn’t know there were so many Dig fans around here and finding out there are is like a big fuzzy blanket. I’m home
Yup, The Longest Journey is playable. They first supported it in a separate project (ResidualVM), which then got merged into ScummVM. I played it that way.
The Dig… I remember liking it, but I only remember the ending and not much else… So I ended up considering it not memorable. Maybe I should replay it.
When I was watching anime in Spanish with Spanish subs, the voices and subtitles never matched. It was good from a language learninh standpoint but I never figured out why. I know sometimes it’s to make the subtitles more legible and fit the screen better, but that doesn’t explain everything.
a lot of the time subtitles are just pulled straight from the shooting script, so any changes from direction/performance just aren’t updated.
with anime, i think there’s probably some pretty big differences in approach to translation between subtitling and dubbing, leading to two different scripts, only one of which ends up being a subtitle track.
why do people refer to guilty gear as “missing link” these days?
yeah there are a lot of reasons for diversions between dub and sub scripts, but two of the biggest are (at least in anime, which i know the most about with this stuff):
- dubs tend to work hard to try to fit what a character is saying into the time allotted by the original animation, and even to try to match the meter of mouth movements when possible
- screen space is an issue for subtitles, so concision (even for captions in the same language as the original audio) is valued
also, it seems to me that dub scripts tend to be more inclined to have more of a ‘localizing’ impulse, as there’s even more of a push for language to “sound” more “natural” and to be more surface-level understandable (practices and results vary, ofc)
don’t know how much this maps onto video game translation stuff
i know for a lot of this stuff, translations sometimes end up being used as the source texts for subsequent translations. european-language versions are not infrequently based on english-language translations of asian stuff, etc.
(note that this all comes from studying translation practice and not much from. if anyone knows better, please correct)
Does anyone make a character creator better than Capcom?
Koei Tecmo
Do any of you have recs for mystery tournament streams / VODs? Looking specifically for non-fighting-game mystery tournaments.
Everybody’s Golf on the PS4 had a very good character maker, but i think you had to win in some features… definitely some clothes you had to buy with in-game currency.
(Also they actually took out a feature i relied upon to make a copy of my SB avatar… fortunately any characters you had made with the old version still worked in the new version of the game.)